Questions tagged [live555]

Cross-platform C++ source-code libraries for standards-based RTP/RTCP/RTSP/SIP multimedia streaming, suitable for embedded and/or low-cost streaming applications.

The live555 library is an Open Source multimedia transport library implementing various IETF standards including RTP/RTCP/RTSP/SIP as well as various codec-specific RTP profiles.

The library is primarily written in c++ and can be compiled on many platforms/architectures.

It is licensed under the LGPL license.

Support is mainly via the live555 mailing list which usually has quick response times.

Trivia: the live555 library is used for RTSP client functionality inside the VLC media player.

210 questions
1 answer

MJPEG streaming and decoding

I want to receive JPEG images from an IP camera (over RTSP). For this, I tried cvCreateFileCapture_FFMPEG in OpenCV. But ffmpeg seems to have some problem with the MJPEG format of the streaming (since it automatically tries to detect the streaming…
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2 answers

How to write a Live555 FramedSource to allow me to stream H.264 live

I've been trying to write a class that derives from FramedSource in Live555 that will allow me to stream live data from my D3D9 application to an MP4 or similar. What I do each frame is grab the backbuffer into system memory as a texture, then…
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RTSP/RTMP Video Streaming Client iOS

I'm in need of a open source solution/library to stream RTSP/RTMP to an iOS Application. I need to build an app that connects to a media server, and opens the provided video stream. I believe there has to be libraries out there, but I have yet to…
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Using Live555 to Stream Live Video from an IP camera connected to an H264 encoder

I am using a custom Texas Instruments OMAP-L138 based board that basically consists of an ARM9 based SoC and a DSP processor. It is connected to a camera lens. What I'm trying to do is to capture live video stream which is sent to the dsp processor…
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OpenCV stream captured CAM with H264 (mp4) codec

I like to stream the web cam pictures wich are captured by opencv. I think about a solution with ffmpeg and live555 (poorly they are not document so well). My problems are: How can convert the captured images to a H264 format so the picures/second…
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3 answers

Cannot stream with Live555 server - Example not working

Recently I downloaded Live555 server source code from their site. I tried to compile and run testMPEG1or2AudioVideoStreamer.cpp file in the testProgs directory. I compiled the whole project including the test programs successfully. Then I run the…
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Using Gstreamer or ffmpeg to create rtsp client on Android

I want to stream a rtsp stream on android and I finally have come to conclusion that I can't use android API's MediaPlayer,Videoview etc because latency is big issue for me. I need an latency of <500 ms. Now I am planning to use Gstreamer or…
Pankaj Bansal
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1 answer

Live555: X264 Stream Live source based on "testOnDemandRTSPServer"

I am trying to create a rtsp Server that streams the OpenGL output of my program. I had a look at How to write a Live555 FramedSource to allow me to stream H.264 live, but I need the stream to be unicast. So I had a look at testOnDemandRTSPServer.…
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0 answers

Sending per frame metadata with H264 encoded frames

We're looking for a way to send per frame metadata (for example an ID) with H264 encoded frames from a server to a client. We're currently developing a remote rendering application, where both client and server side are actively involved. The server…
4 answers

OpenCV/FFMpeg image capture problems

I'm trying to capture images from an IP camera in real time. The stream works perfectly well in VLC, but OpenCV's cvQueryFrame() seems to jumble and corrupt the incoming images to the point of no recognition. Again, capturing from file works fine,…
Kristian D'Amato
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1 answer

Media Foundation: SPS/PPS problem with Intel hardware MFT

I'm using Intel hardware MFT to encode NV12 frames into H264 stream, and Live555 to stream the encoded frames through RTP over LAN and have ffplay setup at the other end to decode and display the same. The setup works just fine with software…
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Live555 on Android

I'm trying to get the RTSP video stream play in my Android App using the build-in Videoview/MediaPlayer, but there're always various problems on different ROMs or different network status(UDP packets blocked), it's really annoying so I want to…
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1 answer

Stream H264 using live555 and FFmpeg

I am trying to stream data encoded using FFMPEg using live555. I have a custom framesource that sends the data to sink but I am unable to figure out how to set SPS and PPS in the framer. I understand that extradata contains this information but I…
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Can FFMPEG library send the live H264 iOS Camera stream to Wowza using RTSP

My requirement is to get iphone camera feed, encode it into H264 format and send it to server. In search, I found encoding part is possible with ffmpeg lib with x264 (libx264). But now the next task is to send the encoded data to Wowza server using…
Vishal Lohia
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Live555 - Proper client shutdown with watchVariable

I am currently facing an issue with live555. I wrote a windows DLL for my project , this DLL expose a very simple API to start an RTSP client with ease. A unity program loads the DLL and then uses the API to receive the frames. the two main…
Hector Roussille
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