Questions tagged [pyro]

Pyro is a library that enables you to build applications in which PYthon Remote Objects can talk to each other over the network, with minimal programming effort.

Pyro is a library that enables you to build applications in which Python remote objects can talk to each other over the network, with minimal programming effort.

You use normal Python method calls, with almost every possible parameter and return value type, and Pyro takes care of locating the right object on the right computer to execute the method. It is designed to be very easy to use, and to, generally, be non-obtrusive.

Pyro also provides a set of powerful features that enables you to build distributed applications rapidly and effortlessly. Pyro is written in 100% pure Python and therefore runs on many platforms and Python versions.

156 questions
2 answers

What are the pros and cons of PyRo and RPyC python libs?

I am looking for a remote procedure call engine for Python and I've found that PyRo (Python Remote Object) and RPyC (Remote Python Call) are both the kind of thing I am searching for. However, I am curious to know how they compare to each other and…
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celery vs pyro : is Pyro an alternative to Celery?

I am trying to learn about Celery and was wondering if Celery and Pyro are trying to achieve the same thing ? Could somebody please tell me if there is something which Celery can do which Pyro can not, or vice versa?
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How do I write a decorator to wrap something in a context manager, that takes parameters?

I've seen How to use a context manager inside a decorator and how to pass an object created in decorator to decorated function as well as python decorators with parameters, and I'm trying to combine the two..but I'm struggling to get my head round…
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Detach a subprocess started using python multiprocessing module

I would like to create a process using the mutliprocessing module in python but ensure it continues running after the process that created the subprocess exits. I can get the required functionality using the subprocess module and Popen, but I want…
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1 answer

Comparison of the multiprocessing module and pyro?

I use pyro for basic management of parallel jobs on a compute cluster. I just moved to a cluster where I will be responsible for using all the cores on each compute node. (On previous clusters, each core has been a separate node.) The python…
Alex Coventry
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3 answers

Pyro4: Failed to locate the nameserver

I'm rather new to Python and Pyro4. So I try to follow the second example of this page Pyro - Python Remote Objects - 4.41, but when I run the server throw this exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 10, in…
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How can I cleanly exit a Pyro Daemon by client request?

I'm trying to use Pyro to control a slave machine. I rsync the necessary python files, start a Pyro server, perform some actions by remote control, and then I want to tell the Pyro server to shut down. I'm having trouble getting the Pryo Daemon to…
Eric Seppanen
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How should I store state for a long-running process invoked from Django?

I am working on a Django application which allows a user to upload files. I need to perform some server-side processing on these files before sending them on to Amazon S3. After reading the responses to this question and this blog post I decided…
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3 answers

How to include javascript script links to pyrocms page?

I'm using pyrocms to develop a system. I know that, to include style links in header tag '' in a page is by using $this->template->set_metadata(). But how can I include javascript links like that? Any answer is appreciated.
Hafizul Amri
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1 answer

Pyro4 with callbacks

I have the following class definition in a py file: class this_obj(object): def __init__(self): self._apple = 5.0 self.observ_apple = [] def setter(self, value): if (self._apple != value): self._apple…
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0 answers

Pyro4 Python “socket.error: [Errno 101] Network is unreachable”

I am having a weird error in a Python/Pyro4 application, I am using two Microsoft Windows machines, one using Windows 7 and the other one using 8.1, connected via Ethernet; first I register both Pyro objects in the name server, one using a "Root"…
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How to use a Pyro proxy object as a factory?

I want to use Pyro with an existing set of classes that involve a factory pattern, i.e. an object of Class A (typically there will only be one of these) is used to instantiate objects of Class B (there can be an arbitrary number of these) through a…
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1 answer

Pyro and file sequencing

When I add new files through patch it messes up File Sequence table and at the same time the size of the patch becomes the same as the size of the product installation. I'm using PatchGroup element to overcome this behavior but as the number of new…
1 answer

Is Pyro signal safe?

I have been using Pyro 3 for a little while now, with great success, but occasionally I have noticed, that when a signal such as SIGHUP or SIGINT arrives while Pyro is doing some remote communications, the process hangs, hence the question, is Pyro…
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Python: Pyro: OpenOPC: Connection failed

I'm trying to set up OpenOPC for Python in combination with Pyro. Whenever I try to connect to the OPC server I get this error: Pyro.errors.ProtocolError: connection failed I looked this up and it seems that Pyro is binding the server on the…
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