Questions tagged [pymodbustcp]

A simple Modbus/TCP client library for Python. pyModbusTCP is pure Python code without any extension or external module dependency.

21 questions
1 answer

Read & Write Float in Modbus Python

Sorry for my bad english. I try to write and read float in a plc register in python via Modbus using pyModbusTCP lib. This is my code that unfortunatly didn't go... from pyModbusTCP.client import ModbusClient from pyModbusTCP import utils class…
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How to get pymodbus to correctly communicate with PLC?

Before I ask, I just want to mention that I have spent a few days researching this and can't seem to find my way out of this basic issue. I have read the docs and spent time here. Otherwise I wouldn't have asked. I have inherited a massive…
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Reading coil and holding registers concurrently using pymodbus3

I have a working code that can reads the coil status continuously using pymodbus3 library. The code is something like below. This is adapted from a basic sample and serves the purpose of looking for the coil status(address 0x01) change to "1" and…
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pymodbus Modbus Server implementation with multiple slave devices context - writing to a register overwrites to all slaves

I have an issue with a simple pymodbus server implementation. From what I have read in the docs, this implementation should have unique slave contexts for each slave device, i.e. writing to device 0x01, register address 1, should be a different…
0 answers

How can i communicate between delta plc with Ethernet support and python pymodbustcp

please help me My first test is with a Delta DVP-12SE11R PLC and the connection is with the Modbus TCP/IP protocol. I have a python code written using pymodbustcp module. I have tested that code with a modbus slave simulator and it is working…
0 answers

pyModbusTCP: read/write_single_coil - what is the bit address in my case?

I am exploring the option to communicate with a device using the pyModbusTCP module and python. The vendor has sent me the Communication Protocol layout, but I don't understand how to relate the information from the manual and the input that…
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Converting Modbus response using pymodbus

I want to comunicate a PC with a smart meter which allows Modbus TCP communication, the PC will be the master and I just need read holding registers and show them in float format. I'm using python with pymodbus 2.2.0 My code is: from…
Andres AC
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pyModbusTCP fails every second function

Basically I'm supposed to test modbus functionality right now and for whatever reason modbus fails to read the registers every second call, ex: Functions: # Modbus functions def read_system_uptime(c, ssh): try: # Get uptime with ubus …
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pyModbusTCP Raspberry Pi to PC connection eth0

The story so far. I Set up a Server and Client using the very helpful Johannes YouTube tutorial, initially I did this on the Raspberry Pi without any issues using…
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pyModbusTCP acc64 SUnSpec

I am trying to read values from an inverter (for solarpanels). The inverter uses Modbus (TCP/IP) with SunSpec protocol. I am using pyModbusTCP and I can connect to the inverter and get values of type int16 and uint16 but not string or acc64. I am…
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0 answers

How to get the ip of the client that is connected to the modbus server?

I am using ModbusTcpServer(context, identity=identity, address=(listener_address, listener_port)), here ModbusTcpServer is a function that is imported from pymodbus, I want to get the IP of client that get connected to the server for the logging…
0 answers

Raspberry Pi Modbus Client FIFO

I've scoured the internet and can't find anything that will fit my needs. I am trying to figure out if it's possible to set up the PI as a client with a FIFO and have the server read from that FIFO. I have an array of PIs and so I need to have some…
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ModbusTCP traffic showing up in WireShark as TCP packets

I am using pyModbusTCP to send ModbusTCP packets on my local host. My code seems to work correctly, but in Wireshark my packets are showing as TCP instead of ModbusTCP. When I go to "Analyze > Enable Protocols" ModbusTCP is enabled. Another weird…
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How to write an exception for the pymodbus via TCP connection protocol where it tells me that the device is not connected

Hello i have a problem when i implement de exception to my connection with the device using the protocol pymodbus tcp v3.4. I need that when the device is not connected, the program shows me that the device is not connected and that it waits to be…
0 answers

PyModbusTCP with raspberry Pi 4: How to detect a write coil from client side and command GPIO ports?

ModbusTCP beginner here. I'm currently working on a project where I intend to use the Raspberry pi board to command GPIO outputs(ON/OFF coils) either with a REST API or through modbusTCP protocol. REST API side is already done and working. As for…