Questions tagged [pylot]

Pylot is a free open source tool for testing performance and scalability of web services

10 questions
30 answers

Performing a Stress Test on Web Application?

In the past, I used Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool and Pylot to stress test web applications. I'd written a simple home page, login script, and site walkthrough (in an ecommerce site adding a few items to a cart and checkout). Just hitting…
2 answers

How to change the table's fontsize with matplotlib.pyplot?

I'm drawing a table with pyplot like this: sub_axes.table(cellText=table_vals, colWidths = [0.15, 0.25], rowLabels=row_labels, loc='right') I'd like to change the fontsize of table's content, and found there is a…
Evans Y.
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1 answer

Python: ValueError: could not convert string to float: '0'

For some school assignments I've been trying to get pyplot to plot some scientific graphs based on data from Logger Pro for me. I'm met with the error ValueError: could not convert string to float: '0' This is the…
0 answers

pyplot unexplainable behaviour when displaying two DataFrame on same plot (with DatetimeIndex)

I'm facing an unexplainable behaviour while trying to display two python-DataFrame with DatetimeIndex on a single plot. I've got a DataFrame x and a DataFrame y of different lengths, that both contain a single column and have DatetimeIndex.…
3 answers

Change hardcode to more flexible using python for loop

I'm writing a code about plotting. I write with hardcode ways, so my code is not flexible enough. I know can using for loop to solve the hardcode problems. But my Python ability not strong enough. Here's my code. df1 = df[df.cluster==0] df2 =…
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1 answer

How can I smooth my seaborn heatmap plot in Python 3.6.0?

I have a seaborn heatmap plot like this: With source code: temp_cmap = ["#0416FF", "#0094FF", "#00DAFF", "#006600", "#00A305", "#71E507", "#DBF400", "#FFD602", "#FF9B0F", "#FF1E01"] sns.heatmap(df_grid, annot=False, cmap=temp_cmap,…
0 answers

Changing Facecolor of matplotlib axes3d PolyCollection

I am working on a visualization problem where I want to plot a geometrical part using polygons specified by their node coordinates (I have basically been importing the polygon coordinates from a FEM Program). Now I am struggling with changing the…
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2 answers

Problems writing a regex in testcases.xml of pylot

I have to verify a list of strings to be present in a response to a soap request. I am using pylot testing tool. I know that if I use a string inside abcdelement it works fine. I have to use regex though and I seem to face problems…
Rashmi Nagaraja
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1 answer

Why are my Pylot graphs blank?

I'm using Pylot 1.26 with Python 2.7 on Windows 7 64bit having installed Numpy 1.6.2 and Matplotlib 1.1.0. The test case executes and produces a report but the response time graph is empty (no data) and the throughput graph is just one straight…
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1 answer

Importing Pylot causes "invalid syntax" error in

I'm new to Python and I want to replicate this tutorial: but when I try importing Matpotlib.pylot I get this error:"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'matplotlib.pylot'" so now I tried installing Pylot…
Frieder Hannenheim
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