Questions tagged [ptp]

Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) is a protocol developed by the International Imaging Industry Association to allow the transfer of images from digital cameras to computers and other peripheral devices without the need of additional device drivers. The protocol has been standardised as ISO 15740.

PTP specifies a way of creating, transferring and manipulating objects which are typically photographic images such as a JPEG file. While it is common to think of the objects that PTP handle as files, they are abstract entities identified solely by a 32-bit object ID. These objects can however have parents and siblings so that a file-system–like view of device contents can be created.

Wikipedia : Picture Transfer Protocol

25 questions
1 answer

.Net MTP / PTP Wrapper?

I'm writting a hobby project to deal with files on cameras. Previously I found issues with the camera and the FolderBrowserDialog. What I believe is happing is that the camera is using MTP or PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol not peer-to-peer). In…
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1 answer

Discrepancy in PTP (Precision Time Protocol) hardware Timestamping accuracy measurements

We are analyzing PTP for a control system software and measuring the accuracy of PTP clock synchronization with a small setup of 2 personal computers making one of them as a master and the other as slave. Our current setup is very crude and we do…
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Raspbian gphoto2: use live view and capture-image on the same camera?

The problem: I am running gphoto2 on a raspberry pi 4 with raspbian os lite. I am using it as a photo booth together with a canon EOS 100d cannected to USB. The cameras live view is passed to a http address with ffmpeg and motion. That works great…
2 answers

Why TSync(Time Synchronization) is needed in Adaptive AUTOSAR?

I'm a rookie in Adaptive AUTOSAR. I can't imagine why Time Synchronization(Tysnc) is needed. System time of ECUs can be synchronized by PTP. Could you explain why Tsync is needed even though PTP synchronize time across a distributed system? Or I…
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2 answers

How can I get a /dev/ptp0 ptp hardware clock on a VM running Linux?

I'm trying to run software which needs to get hardware timestamps using ptp. Therefore, I need to have /dev/ptp0 available. I'm running Linux/Ubuntu on a VMWare. Is there a way to make this work on a VM? Thanks!
1 answer

Arduino: catching events from camera via USB

I'm working on an arduino project that needs to communicate via USB with cameras. There is a great library that everyone knows of when it comes to arduino and USB: There are lots of examples on how to use it and even…
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Configure PTP_Timescale parameter

I am using ptp4l on linux machine. Currently, in the pcap trace I can see that the flag for PTP_Timescale is set to False. Is there anyway, that I can configure the PTP_Timescale parameter and set it to True?
Pratul Jn
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0 answers

Reading ptp master offset from C code (using /dev/ptp0)

I have ptp4l and phc2sys running on my embedded device. What I need is to somehow read ptp master offset from another kernel module. Can I do it from /dev/ptp0 and how? I thoroughly study testptp.c but didn't find there a solution for reading master…
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1 answer

How to get parameters of an Picture Transfer Protocol event in Windows Portable Devices?

I'm trying to support a digital camera with WPD. I have working request/data/response communication (PTP types 1,2,3), but have problems with events (type 4). From the event I need a command code (ex. 0xc102) and up to three integer parameters. I…
Krzysztof Bociurko
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1 answer

PTP between basler camera and computer

How to assign basler camera to be the PTP slave? My computer ip is, i assign it to be PTP master by ptpd: ptpd -W -b eth0 -D -f ~/xxx.log My basler camera enable the PTP clock synchronization, and its IP is…
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Getting big offsets with phc2sys

I’m having some issues when running the phc2sys service: Getting too big offsets (above 1000 ns, something even above 10000 ns). Frequency doesn’t offset not stable (goes backward and forward between -1000 to +15000). Delay seems too high (around…
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I don't understand why i don't see offset in output on a slave clock? How can i check clock synchronization?

So, i read a lot of documentation about PTP and i don't understand why it is not working. I have 2 devices(laptop with Software timestamping and PC with network card inside supporting hardware timestamping) I run ptp4l on my laptop by command: sudo…
0 answers

reading timestamp using Linuxptp

I've started learning about TSN and the use under Linux by opensource project Linuxptp. I want to write simple Talker application, after syncing clocks using ptp4l & phc2sys scripts. How do I use/read the timestamp within executed application? How…
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How to get just the time offset from grandmaster (and not synchronize my machine) by PTP 1588 protocol?

I have a project that consists of two PCs connected directly to each other by ethernet cable. Both PCs are running Linux. The demand is to get the time offset between 1 PC relative to the second one. I am emphasizing again: I am not interested that…
0 answers

How to distribute absolute time and date with ptp4l and phc2sys?

I would need to synchronise several computers over PTP. I have gone through this manual for Fedora and everything seems…
Jirka RCK
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