Questions tagged [protection]

avoid using this vague/ambiguous tag

571 questions
2 answers

GitHub - block merge PR by committers

I am looking for a way by GitHub setting or CircleCI settings preventing the person that is involved in PR (create PR or make a commit) to be able to merge PR (or even approve it). So far I have the protection of a branch that requires approvals but…
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5 answers

Protection level of a struct field within a class

I am fairly new to C# programming so this is likely a beginner's question. I get a "'A.Test.That.Fails' is inaccessible due to its protection level" error on the following code snippet and I fail to understand the reason. namespace A { class…
Julien Guertault
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4 answers

Protection against cracking - specifically ways to make a program harder to decompile

I'm making a commercial product that will have a client and server side. The client is totally dependent on the server , just to make it harder to crack/pirate . Problem is , even so there is a chance that someone will reverse engineer the protocol…
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9 answers

Protecting a high value C# application with only one user

I have a single application -- written in C# -- which is used by only one user. I provide this software for a very high monthly fee (> $10,000). I'd like to protect this application against use by any other user and I'd like to be able to stop the…
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2 answers

How to run code right when a C# application starts?

I have put some code inside of the public MainWindow() {} but I kept getting some obscure XAML parsing errors as soon as I did that (not on my computer but on 3 others I've tried it on - yep!) Is there the preferred way to run code AS SOON as t he…
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5 answers

HTML5 game - how to protect against modification of variables

I wrote HTML5 game based in canvas and I have a problem. I use var like that: var score = 0; // another code ++score; But user can edit that var (eg. in FireBug, or Chrome editor) - score hacked. Any ideas?
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12 answers

Can a secret be hidden in a 'safe' java class offering access credentials?

This is a brainstorming question about what's possible in Java (or not). I want to know if it is possible to hide a secret within a class and prevent anymore from accessing it using Java code or any of its feature only (security, reflexion,…
Jérôme Verstrynge
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8 answers

(Why) should I use obfuscation?

It seems to me obfuscation is an idea that falls somewhere in the "security by obscurity" or "false sense of protection" camp. To protect intellectual property, there's copyright; to prevent security issues from being found, there's fixing those…
Sören Kuklau
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1 answer

Stack Guard and Stack Smashing Protection - canaries, memory

I have a few questions about Stack Guard and SSP protections. First question is about Stack Guard and its three types of canaries, if I am correctly - terminator, random and random XOR. I'd like to know, how to disabled Stack Guard on x86 Linux…
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7 answers

Protection against automation

One of our next projects is supposed to be a MS Windows based game (written in C#, with a winform GUI and an integrated DirectX display-control) for a customer who wants to give away prizes to the best players. This project is meant to run for a…
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2 answers

How to protect MATLAB compiled application from distribution?

How I can protect MATLAB compiled .exe from: reverse-engineering unauthorised distibution? Which packers, protection tools etc should I use?
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3 answers

What's the protection flags of memory allocated by malloc?

According to this thread,memory allocated by malloc at least have PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC,otherwise the contaned function can't be executed . man malloc doesn't mention anything about protection thus the question.
Je Rog
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2 answers

Is it illegal to write your own encryption?

Someone told me it was illegal to write your own encryption is this true?
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3 answers

How to protect drawable resource in Android application

Please tell me how to protect our resource in a apk package. With a simple rename-extract process, any one can copy and thief application drawable resource like images or soundFX files. My question is, is there any way to protect drawable resource…
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9 answers

Piracy protection using USB based hardware solution

i want to protect my Java product by using some USB-based authentication and password management solution like you can buy it here: aladdin This mean that you have to connect a USB stick with a special software on it, before you can start your…
Markus Lausberg
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