Questions tagged [protected-folders]

5 questions
1 answer

How to get in Apache password protected directories without showing popup login

I read here how to get into an Apache password protected directroy via dircet link with the simple: that works in FF/Chrome/Safari, and obviously not in IE7! :) Do you know how could i get into…
Marco Demaio
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2 answers

How to protect user based folder and files in core 2.1 project

I have a folder named archive in my project and have a separate folder for each user. Sample folder structure; Archive(Folder) => User1(Folder) => other folders => files Archive(Folder) => User2(Folder) => other folders => files ... I don't want a…
1 answer

Git bash `cp` – Exclude "protected operating system files" (and what are those?)

If I try to copy my home directory using cp in Git bash (on Windows 7), more than I want will be copied. The following is an example to demonstrate the issue. In reality I want to copy recursively, but I don't in this example to speed things…
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1 answer

Access a locked folder

Ok so my supervisor is currently testing something with Windows Permission Settings for folders, basically setting who can access it and who can't. He wants me to find out if I can get in, without permissions. Basically checking how secure this…
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3 answers

(C#) How do you check if a path is a protected path in Windows that requires elevation to modify?

We have a folder where our app will be potentially reading, writing and creating/deleting files on, and while we can default to a safe location, we allow the user to select a different directory. How can we check if the directory they select is…
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