Questions tagged [propertysheet]

A property sheet is a window that allows the user to view and edit the properties of an item. It uaually has several pages, usually navigated by 'Next'/'Previous' buttons or tabs.

91 questions
3 answers

Add Visual C++ property sheets using CMake

I'm currently porting a gcc project to Visual C++. It's defined in a CMake file, and I have created a Visual C++ property sheet to aid in compatibility (GccCompat.props). Everytime the Visual C++ project files are regenerated by CMake, the property…
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How do I restore a property sheet to its default value?

Let's say I carry out the following steps immediately after first installing and opening Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: File -> New -> Project -> Win32 Console App -> Finish. Go to the Property Manager pane -> Expand Debug | Win32 -> Right click…
5 answers

How do I force my app to come to the front and take focus?

I'm working on an application that happens to be the bootstrap for an installer that I'm also working on. The application makes a few MSI calls to get information that I need for putting together the wizard that is my application's main window,…
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Platform Toolset property in Visual Studio property sheets

The property is not exposed via project property sheets. It's unfortunate, as I have to run through several projects spread over several solutions to change this value if you are upgrading a compiler (to VS 2013 in my case). I…
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Where are the Visual Studio Property Sheets saved?

In Visual Studio 2010, I have created and added several "project property sheets" to a project 's properties. Is there any way to point or click on one of the property pages and find out where on my hard drive, the corresponding project property…
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altering PATH via property sheets when firing up a debugger in visual studio

I have a set of property sheets which define include and link paths for commonly used 3rd partly libraries in my c++ project. Is there a way to also define PATH in those pages for the executable to find the binaries when I fire it up in a debugger…
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How to catch the "tab changed" event in a property sheet

How to catch and handle the notification about that the currently selected tab has changed in the class derived from CPropertySheetImpll? I added TCN_SELCHANGE handler to message map but a peoperty sheet has never recieved this notification. I use…
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2 answers

Why are icons in property sheets rendered with so few colors?

I am creating a property sheet shell extension and want to have a little icon to set off my property tab from the standard system tabs. Unfortunately, my icon is being rendered almost entirely in grey. Original image: In the property sheet…
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MSBuild/VS2010: How to reference "RuntimeLibrary" compiler setting in a VS2010 "Property Sheet"

I am writing a Visual Studio 2010 property sheet to integrate a complex 3rd party C++ library. To determine what pieces of the library I need to link to my projects (as well as configuring various defines, includes, directories, etc.), my property…
1 answer

How to reload a property sheet in Visual Studio 2010

Is there a way to reload a property sheet that was edited outside of Visual Studio? Visual Studio doesn't detected automatically that the file was modified (like it does with project files). The only way I've found so far is to close and reopen the…
Sebastian Krysmanski
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Vertical scrollbar for a dialog in a CPropertySheet not working

I am a beginner in MFC. I have a dialog embedded in a property sheet. Since the dialog is bigger than property sheet, some portion get cropped. So I am planning to add a vertical scrollbar. I have tried two ways. Added a scrollbar control from the…
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Configurations from External Projects in Visual Studio 2012

I am having a problem with Visual Studio 2012, and I am hoping there is a solution to this. I have in my solution 2 projects: 1 project is an ".exe" project, and the other is a ".lib" project. I have added the lib project as a reference in the exe…
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Visual C++ 2010: Including boost in several projects in a solution?

I'm using the boost library in several projects in my Visual C++ 2010 solution. What I'm currently doing is modifying each project's properties by setting: Properties->Configuration Properties->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories to…
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Visual Studio property sheets: Why is Character Set missing?

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 SP1. I notice that I can add property sheets to a project but I cannot change the character set in those property sheets. Any property sheet I create is missing the 'Character Set' option. Can anyone explain why I can't…
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Get Include Directories for custom build step

I would like to know if there is a possibility to get the list of project's include directories when building files with custom build step. Imagine following situation: my project consists of A.cpp, B.cpp and C.blah. In project properties under the…
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