Questions tagged [projective-geometry]

Projective geometry is an incidence geometry of colinearity preserving transformations. Its use is widespread in computer graphics, computer vision, image registration, photography, among others. Homogeneous coordinates are commonly used to represent objects (point, lines, planes etc.) in real projective geometry. These are well-known to represent translation, rotation and perspective transformation simply as matrix-vector multiplication.

94 questions
3 answers

projective geometry: how do I turn a projection of a rectangle in 3D into a 2D view

So the problem is that I have a 3D projection of a rectangle that I want to turn into 2D. That is I have a photo of a sheet of paper laying on a table which I want to transform into a 2D view of that sheet. So what I need is to get an undistorted 2D…
Trident D'Gao
  • 15,993
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1 answer

Image plane and perspective transformation / camera stabilization

Lately I have been looking into the geometry of image processing. What I am trying to accomplish is this : Imagine there is two pictures of a scene. I want to convert second picture to the first picture. I want to revert perspectivity of the second…
Ozum Safa
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1 answer

Intersection of a line with the infinity plane

I would like to compute the intersection of a 3D line with the plane at infinity. I suspect it would be the same as taking the 3D direction of the line and setting the 4th vector coordinate to 0. However, this is not enough. I would like to know the…
Violin Yanev
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3 answers

2D Projectile tracing path clarification

Projectile tracing path Problem in 2D game: Assumption: We make the simplifying assumption that gravity is constant and that there is no wind or drag. The motion of the projectile is given by the following equations: x = x0 + v0t cos(theta) y = y0 +…
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