Questions tagged [project-structure]

Refers to layout of folders and components to help organize a project's files, whether code or resources

425 questions
8 answers

What is the best project structure for a Python application?

Imagine that you want to develop a non-trivial end-user desktop (not web) application in Python. What is the best way to structure the project's folder hierarchy? Desirable features are ease of maintenance, IDE-friendliness, suitability for source…
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6 answers

Possibilities for Python classes organized across files?

I'm used to the Java model where you can have one public class per file. Python doesn't have this restriction, and I'm wondering what's the best practice for organizing classes.
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12 answers

Representing Directory & File Structure in Markdown Syntax

I want to describe directory & file structures in some of my Jekyll blog posts, does Markdown provide a neat way of outputting such a thing? For example, you can see at this link on the Jekyll website that the directory & file structure is output on…
Matt Rowles
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35 answers

Find a class somewhere inside dozens of JAR files?

How would you find a particular class name inside lots of jar files? (Looking for the actual class name, not the classes that reference it.)
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6 answers

Best practice for Django project working directory structure

I know there is actually no single right way. However I've found that it's hard to create a directory structure that works well and remain clean for every developer and administrator. There is some standard structure in most projects on github. But…
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12 answers

Unable to make the module: related gradle configuration was not found. Please, re-import the Gradle project and try again

I use IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 14 and Gradle 1.2. I manage the project from the console, but I need to debug some of the code from the IDE. When I try to make the project, this error window appears. When I try to debug the project, Error: Unable to…
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4 answers

Ideal Ruby project structure

I'm after an overview/clarification of the ideal project structure for a ruby (non-rails/merb/etc) project. I'm guessing it follows app/ bin/ #Files for command-line execution lib/ appname.rb appname/ #Classes…
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4 answers

How do I set up a basic Ruby project?

I want to create a small Ruby project with 10 ~ 20 classes/files. I need some gems and I want to use RSpec as test framework. I might want to build a gem later on, but that is not certain. Is there some how-to or guide that shows me how to set up…
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8 answers

How to organize a Python Project?

I'm new to Python and I'm starting a mini Project, but I have some doubts on how to organize the folders in the "Python Way". I'm using PyDev in my Development Environment, and when I create a new project a folder is created called src + src Now,…
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16 answers

Package name does not correspond to the file path - IntelliJ

I'm trying to import a project from VCS (well, I'm doing it for the first time actually) and this is my (imported) project's structure: BTW. this screen is made after many tries of changing these directories' properties (in their context menus). In…
Android developer
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10 answers

IntelliJ IDE | .iml File lost or deleted

Last week I was working on a Java EE project with IntelliJ IDE. Today: As I started up my IntelliJ 2016.1 it gave me the error: Error Loading Project Cannot load module FirstWebApp As I looked at the details it said it couldnot find my…
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16 answers

Android Studio not showing modules in project structure

I am using Android studio and I want to add module to my project like "action bar Sherlock" or jar files, but when I opened the project structure there is no module or library in the menu :\ In intelij it's appearing: So what's the problem? How…
Mohamd Ali
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6 answers

Intellij Re-import Gradle Project

I just added a new test source directory to my Gradle project and want IntelliJ to recognize it. I can close the project and reopen the build.gradle file and chose "Delete Existing Project and Import"; is there a way to update the module sources…
Mike Rylander
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1 answer

Maven complaining about parent relative path

Consider a maven project with modules consists of some utilities (jar) and some poms for others to reference to if they want to use some of these utilities. e.g. inside the parent pom.xml project-parent
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2 answers

how to define package structure for a Spring REST MVC application?

I am new to writing a spring rest based ws. I created a project with the following structure. Java Resources - src/test/java - src/main/java - com/sample/rest - controller (for the request mappings) - domain (for POJOs) …
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