Questions tagged [project-files]

101 questions
3 answers

Why does Visual Studio check out the .vspscc file when I add a file to a project?

If I add a new file to a project under TFS source control, it will check out the project file and the corresponding .vspscc file for that project file. The project file itself changes (to include the new file), but the .vspscc file doesn't change…
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12 answers

Recommended number of projects in Visual Studio Solution

We are starting to develop new application that will include something like 30-50 projects developed by about dozen of developers with C# in MS Visual Studio. I am working on componentize the application modules in order to support the architecture…
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4 answers

What are the advantages of using more then 1 code file for a project? (C++)

What are the advantages of using multiple source (.cpp) and header (.h) files in a single project? Is it just a preferential thing or are there true benefits?
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3 answers

How to organise, test, document and package a Clojure project

I've been learning some Clojure, and I currently have a single .clj file which I edit in a text editor and which I execute on the command line. Where can I find a guide on the practical aspects of scaling this up to larger programs/libraries? How…
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3 answers

QT - Specify DLL path in pro. file

So as the question title says, i'm specifically wondering how to include the path to a .dll file in the actually project file. I know it's the better practice to include the dll file with the project file, but i'd still just like to know if it's…
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2 answers

how to make a Visual Studio project file to copy indirect references?

As the screenshot shows, ClassLibrary1 relies on ClassLibrary2 and ClassLibrary2 relies on ClassLibrary3. And "Copy Local" is set to be "True". But when I compile ClassLibrary1, ClassLibrary3 won't be copied to the bin folder. So how can I config…
1 answer

Visual Studio 2008 project file does not load because of an unexpected encoding change

In our team we have a database project in visual Studio 2008 which is under source control by Team Foundation Server. Every two weeks or so, after one co-worker checks in, the project file won't load on the other developers machines. The error…
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2 answers

Storing source files outside project file directory in Visual Studio C++ 2009

Visual Studio projects assumes all files belonging to the project are situated in the same directory as the project file, or one underneath it. For a particular project (in the non-Visual Studio sense) this is not what I want. I want to store the…
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3 answers

Good structuring of JavaScript in a project?

So, I'm fairly done with the JS in my website now. It involves jQuery (and as such a .ready init) The page has two parts, the upper is mainly Google Maps and the lower is input forms. All of this is currently in one .js, functions, inits,…
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4 answers

How to make the Qt project file (.pro) platform dependent?

Is there a way to include different libraries depending on the operating system with Qt-Creator? In other words, is there an equivalent for the following lines in the .pro file: #ifdef…
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3 answers

Would anyone recommend re-creating NEW projects and re-adding source, and why?

We have a large SQL driven software system which has been around since Delphi 1. It uses the same original project files in all of its various projects. We've recently begun upgrading to Delphi XE2, and I've been contemplating the idea of creating…
Jerry Dodge
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1 answer

Solution won't allow debug/build/clean after merge visual studio 2012

When merging two branches, the Visual Studio solution and project files did not match, so they had to be merged manually.Now when i try to build or clean the solution I get the following message: "The debugger cannot continue running the process.…
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0 answers

How to link to a folder in a different location?

In C# Project files as written by Visual Studio or SharpDevelop, files that are not located in the folder hierarchy of a project can be included with a element.1 My directory structure looks like this: [SolutionDirectory] |- [MyProject] | …
O. R. Mapper
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2 answers

Set a default build configuration for project

I have several possible configurations in a Visual Studio project file. How can I specify which one is selected by default (when no .suo is present)? Right now, when I open the project in Visual Studio, Debug configuration is selected by…
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5 answers

Project files under version control?

I work on a large project where all the source files are stored in a version control except the project files. This was the lead developer's decision. His reasoning was: Its to time consuming to reconcile the differences among developers' working…
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