Questions tagged [processwire]

ProcessWire is a free, open source CMS and CMF written in PHP 5.

ProcessWire is a free, open source CMS and CMF written in PHP 5.

It is built to save you time, and work they way you want it to, giving you flexible, simple, and stronger control over your pages, fields, and templates at any scale.

One of its most prominent features is its jQuery-inspired API, which makes working with your content easy and enjoyable.

Compared with what you're used to, ProcessWire makes developing and managing your site a simple and fun experience.


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  5. Reviews from around the web
  6. Sites and Developers using ProcessWire


Current Version: 3.0.61 (master), released 21 April 2017 (announcement)
Requires: Apache with PHP 5.3.8+ and MySQL 5.0.15+ (see all requirements)

59 questions
1 answer

CSS is different on iOS than Android?

This site is built in ProcessWire CMS hence the PHP for the nav This is probably best explained with images. This is how the nav should look And this is how it looks I am completely baffled. I have tried z-index: 999 on the nav and it hasn't…
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2 answers

How can I grab a value from a PHP generated div and use Javascript to then change the width of a progress bar HTML5 element?

What I'm trying to do is add progress bars to several cards I have on a website. I'm using Processwire CMS (which utilizes PHP) to generate my cards and each card has a progress element, a raised amount, and a goal amount like so:
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1 answer

CSS/less from header file only works on the index page

Welcome to my first post. I've searched stackoverflow for an hour to find the awnser I need, but without succes. I'm currently creating my own website to test php with processwire and bootstrap. I am quite new to programming in general, but I have…
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1 answer

phpunit static called method in method

I have this method: public function getLocale() { $languageId = $this->_user->language->id; $page = Wire::getModule('myModule')->getPage($languageId); $locale = $page->locale; if (!!$locale) { return…
1 answer

Keep getting "You cannot serialize or unserialize PDO instances" in PHPUnit using PHPStorm

I've recently set up PHPUnit in PHPStorm via Composer. I'm trying to test some functionality that requires me to bootstrap Processwire (a CMS). I keep constantly getting the message "You cannot serialize or unserialize PDO instances" despite…
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1 answer

ProcessWire foreach loop to show 4 colums in each row

I've been working on the website for quite a while now and stumbled upon a problem in creating specific foreach loop. I am using ProcessWire to create CMS for the website. I want to display 4 columns in each row, but I am baffled. Here is my code so…
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1 answer

Within a processwire setup how do you have a custom non-processwire-related PHP file load without 404 error? What .htaccess edits need to be made?

I am working on a client website that runs on Processwire. I am trying to set up a regular ol' PHP page outside of any processwire stuff that can just execute like a normal PHP page being served up. Let's assume I am trying to set up "/foo/bar.php"…
Art Geigel
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1 answer

PHP redirect to page version based user’s location (IPAPI) and remember in a session

I'm attempting to include some code in the file that will check if the page is available in the user's location language and if so it'll redirect to that page. Obviously this isn't a great for UX but alas my client is keen. The only issue…
John the Painter
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0 answers

Images wont show to guests, only admin

Im currently busy with working on a website but I got stuck. The site is running on Processwire and working with the FeatherLight lightbox. Now the strange thing is, I am only able to see the images when I'm logged in as admin. When I'm just a guest…
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1 answer

No Permisson with Apache on CircleCI

I want to set up Processwire CMS on CircleCI and have some troubles with Apache Webserver. In my test with CasperJS I get always the error: 403…</div> <div class="grid ai-start jc-space-between fw-wrap"> <div class="grid gs4 fw-wrap tags "> <a href="../../questions/tagged/apache" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'apache'" rel="tag">apache</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/circleci" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'circleci'" rel="tag">circleci</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/processwire" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'processwire'" rel="tag">processwire</a> </div> <div class="started mt0"> <div class="s-user-card s-user-card"> <time class="s-user-card--time" datetime="asked Jun 01 '17 at 12:02">asked Jun 01 '17 at 12:02</time> <a href="../../users/1156058/tiefenb" class="s-avatar s-avatar__32 s-user-card--avatar"> <img class="s-avatar--image" src="../../users/profiles/1156058.webp" data-jdenticon-width="32" data-jdenticon-height="32" data-jdenticon-value="tiefenb" onerror="onImageLoadingError(this);" /> </a> <div class="s-user-card--info"> <a href="../../users/1156058/tiefenb" class="s-user-card--link">tiefenb</a> <ul class="s-user-card--awards"> <li class="s-user-card--rep" title="reputation score">767</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__gold" title="1 gold badge">1</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__silver" title="12 silver badge">12</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__bronze" title="26 bronze badge">26</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mln24"> <div class="question-summary" id="question-summary-43854601"> <div class="statscontainer"> <div class="stats"> <div class="vote"> <div class="votes"> <span class="vote-count-post"><strong>1</strong></span> <div class="viewcount">vote</div> </div> </div> <div class="status "> <strong>2</strong> answers </div> </div> </div> <div class="summary"> <h3><a href="../../questions/43854601/css-is-not-updating-in-processwire" class="question-hyperlink">CSS is not updating in Processwire</a></h3> <div class="excerpt">This is a question specific to the Processwire CMS but actually I'm not sure where the problem might exactly be coming from I've just started my first Processwire project and have set the back end to my liking. Upon starting the front end of my site…</div> <div class="grid ai-start jc-space-between fw-wrap"> <div class="grid gs4 fw-wrap tags "> <a href="../../questions/tagged/css" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'css'" rel="tag">css</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/sass" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'sass'" rel="tag">sass</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/mamp" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'mamp'" rel="tag">mamp</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/koala" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'koala'" rel="tag">koala</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/processwire" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'processwire'" rel="tag">processwire</a> </div> <div class="started mt0"> <div class="s-user-card s-user-card"> <time class="s-user-card--time" datetime="asked May 08 '17 at 18:14">asked May 08 '17 at 18:14</time> <a href="../../users/7095568/gabriel-roda-eugen-bach" class="s-avatar s-avatar__32 s-user-card--avatar"> <img class="s-avatar--image" src="../../users/profiles/7095568.webp" data-jdenticon-width="32" data-jdenticon-height="32" data-jdenticon-value="Gabriel Roda Eugen Bach" onerror="onImageLoadingError(this);" /> </a> <div class="s-user-card--info"> <a href="../../users/7095568/gabriel-roda-eugen-bach" class="s-user-card--link">Gabriel Roda Eugen Bach</a> <ul class="s-user-card--awards"> <li class="s-user-card--rep" title="reputation score">93</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__silver" title="1 silver badges">1</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__bronze" title="10 bronze badges">10</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mln24"> <div class="question-summary" id="question-summary-42531033"> <div class="statscontainer"> <div class="stats"> <div class="vote"> <div class="votes"> <span class="vote-count-post"><strong>1</strong></span> <div class="viewcount">vote</div> </div> </div> <div class="status answered-accepted"> <strong>4</strong> answers </div> </div> </div> <div class="summary"> <h3><a href="../../questions/42531033/processwire-add-css-class-to-page" class="question-hyperlink">Processwire Add css class to page</a></h3> <div class="excerpt">I there a possibility to add a classname to a page? I can't figure out how to implement such feature or if it already exists. I'm using Processwire 3.0.42. </div> <div class="grid ai-start jc-space-between fw-wrap"> <div class="grid gs4 fw-wrap tags "> <a href="../../questions/tagged/processwire" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'processwire'" rel="tag">processwire</a> </div> <div class="started mt0"> <div class="s-user-card s-user-card__deleted"> <time class="s-user-card--time" datetime="asked Mar 01 '17 at 11:53">asked Mar 01 '17 at 11:53</time> <div class="s-avatar s-avatar__32 s-user-card--avatar"> </div> <div class="s-user-card--info">user936965</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mln24"> <div class="question-summary" id="question-summary-38402217"> <div class="statscontainer"> <div class="stats"> <div class="vote"> <div class="votes"> <span class="vote-count-post"><strong>1</strong></span> <div class="viewcount">vote</div> </div> </div> <div class="status answered-accepted"> <strong>1</strong> answer </div> </div> </div> <div class="summary"> <h3><a href="../../questions/38402217/get-full-file-paths-in-processwire-servicespages-api" class="question-hyperlink">Get full file paths in ProcessWire ServicesPages API</a></h3> <div class="excerpt">I'm currently building an app using ProcessWire. I'm using the ServicePages module to expose my data as a REST-like API. However, all files seem to be outputted like this: reel_poster: { basename: "breakdown-2015-poster.jpg", description:…</div> <div class="grid ai-start jc-space-between fw-wrap"> <div class="grid gs4 fw-wrap tags "> <a href="../../questions/tagged/php" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'php'" rel="tag">php</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/json" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'json'" rel="tag">json</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/rest" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'rest'" rel="tag">rest</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/processwire" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'processwire'" rel="tag">processwire</a> </div> <div class="started mt0"> <div class="s-user-card s-user-card"> <time class="s-user-card--time" datetime="asked Jul 15 '16 at 17:41">asked Jul 15 '16 at 17:41</time> <a href="../../users/799327/laust-deleuran" class="s-avatar s-avatar__32 s-user-card--avatar"> <img class="s-avatar--image" src="../../users/profiles/799327.webp" data-jdenticon-width="32" data-jdenticon-height="32" data-jdenticon-value="Laust Deleuran" onerror="onImageLoadingError(this);" /> </a> <div class="s-user-card--info"> <a href="../../users/799327/laust-deleuran" class="s-user-card--link">Laust Deleuran</a> <ul class="s-user-card--awards"> <li class="s-user-card--rep" title="reputation score">492</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__gold" title="1 gold badge">1</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__silver" title="4 silver badge">4</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__bronze" title="19 bronze badge">19</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mln24"> <div class="question-summary" id="question-summary-37855196"> <div class="statscontainer"> <div class="stats"> <div class="vote"> <div class="votes"> <span class="vote-count-post"><strong>1</strong></span> <div class="viewcount">vote</div> </div> </div> <div class="status answered-accepted"> <strong>2</strong> answers </div> </div> </div> <div class="summary"> <h3><a href="../../questions/37855196/processwire-how-to-store-tags-as-array" class="question-hyperlink">Processwire: How to store Tags as Array</a></h3> <div class="excerpt">I'm very new to Processwire. I want to create a fieldtype where I can define multiple tags (all possible, not predefined ones). I want to use them in my template as an simple array: $tags = $page->get('tags'); // $tags = array('bananas', 'apples',…</div> <div class="grid ai-start jc-space-between fw-wrap"> <div class="grid gs4 fw-wrap tags "> <a href="../../questions/tagged/php" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'php'" rel="tag">php</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/processwire" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'processwire'" rel="tag">processwire</a> </div> <div class="started mt0"> <div class="s-user-card s-user-card"> <time class="s-user-card--time" datetime="asked Jun 16 '16 at 09:31">asked Jun 16 '16 at 09:31</time> <a href="../../users/1156058/tiefenb" class="s-avatar s-avatar__32 s-user-card--avatar"> <img class="s-avatar--image" src="../../users/profiles/1156058.webp" data-jdenticon-width="32" data-jdenticon-height="32" data-jdenticon-value="tiefenb" onerror="onImageLoadingError(this);" /> </a> <div class="s-user-card--info"> <a href="../../users/1156058/tiefenb" class="s-user-card--link">tiefenb</a> <ul class="s-user-card--awards"> <li class="s-user-card--rep" title="reputation score">767</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__gold" title="1 gold badge">1</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__silver" title="12 silver badge">12</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__bronze" title="26 bronze badge">26</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mln24"> <div class="question-summary" id="question-summary-64238806"> <div class="statscontainer"> <div class="stats"> <div class="vote"> <div class="votes"> <span class="vote-count-post"><strong>0</strong></span> <div class="viewcount">votes</div> </div> </div> <div class="status "> <strong>0</strong> answers </div> </div> </div> <div class="summary"> <h3><a href="../../questions/64238806/create-a-subfolder-system-in-php-using-processwire" class="question-hyperlink">Create a Subfolder system in PHP using ProcessWire</a></h3> <div class="excerpt">i want to ask, i'm continuing my friends work at my office, he was create a website using processwire and php, but now a user want to create a subfolder system to store file, i tried to fire directly to path url but, when i i open a subfolder all…</div> <div class="grid ai-start jc-space-between fw-wrap"> <div class="grid gs4 fw-wrap tags "> <a href="../../questions/tagged/php" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'php'" rel="tag">php</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/html" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'html'" rel="tag">html</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/processwire" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'processwire'" rel="tag">processwire</a> </div> <div class="started mt0"> <div class="s-user-card s-user-card"> <time class="s-user-card--time" datetime="asked Oct 07 '20 at 06:57">asked Oct 07 '20 at 06:57</time> <a href="../../users/12028243/marvin-paulus" class="s-avatar s-avatar__32 s-user-card--avatar"> <img class="s-avatar--image" src="../../users/profiles/12028243.webp" data-jdenticon-width="32" data-jdenticon-height="32" data-jdenticon-value="Marvin Paulus" onerror="onImageLoadingError(this);" /> </a> <div class="s-user-card--info"> <a href="../../users/12028243/marvin-paulus" class="s-user-card--link">Marvin Paulus</a> <ul class="s-user-card--awards"> <li class="s-user-card--rep" title="reputation score">57</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__bronze" title="7 bronze badges">7</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s-pagination pager fr"> <div class="s-pagination--item is-selected">1</div> <a class="s-pagination--item" href="../../questions/tagged/processwire_page=2" rel="" title="Go to page 2">2</a> <a class="s-pagination--item" href="../../questions/tagged/processwire_page=3" rel="" title="Go to page 3">3</a> <a class="s-pagination--item" href="../../questions/tagged/processwire_page=4" rel="" title="Go to page 4">4</a> <a class="s-pagination--item" href="../../questions/tagged/processwire_page=2" rel="next" title="Go to page 2"> Next</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script src="../../static/js/stack-icons.js"></script> <script> /* replace <time class="fromnow" /> with human delta between `datetime` attr and now */ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){ var time_elements = document.querySelectorAll("time.fromnow"); for (var i=0; i<time_elements.length; i++) { time_elements[i].innerHTML = moment(time_elements[i].getAttribute("datetime")).fromNow(); } }); </script> </body> </html>