Questions tagged [princexml]

Prince is software for converting XML and HTML documents to PDF files.

Prince is software for converting XML and HTML documents into PDF files.

The PrinceXML library is developed by YesLogic Pty. Ltd. Versions for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux are available.

This is a commercial product. A free version is available, but PDF files generated from this free version have a watermark.

72 questions
4 answers

Jekyll documentation to PDF with TOC

I would like to write documentation using Jekyll with HTML and PDF outputs. Html can have a navigation but the PDF should have table of contents. Is there a free and easy way to do that? The HTML part is easy but I would like to use @media print…
Pekka Mattila
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3 answers

How to use highcharts with princeXML?

I'm evaluating princexml, and it is very very good so far. One minor problem though. Is there any way to save a graph generated by highcharts into princexml, on the browser? I understand that I need to create the graph as an image, on a canvas,…
4 answers

CSS page counter in printed (or PDF) output

@page { @top-right { content: "Page " counter(page) " of " counter(pages); } } This is the only way i found to display the page numbers as 'Page 5 of 10' for example. However it does not seem to be working. I tried it in a simple HTML page but it…
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7 answers

Html to pdf conversion at server side?

we are creating a pdf file from the html file using the package princexml pdf converter. For the Creation of the html file the data has given by the server. In the browser using jquery the input string(html code) is created for the pdf creation.…
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1 answer

Convert html containing mathjax markups to pdf

I have come across a tool called princexml that can convert html+css into pdf beautifully (see this video). With this it's even possible to write a PhD thesis using entirely html+css and get a nice pdf output in the end. But it seems it does not…
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2 answers

Can FullCalendar be printed to PDF?

I have tried printing FullCalendar.js rendered calendars to PDF, however none of the generators available seem to work: Aspose PDF does not allow JavaScript, and straight up just doesn't support absolutely positioned elements PrinceXML has known…
John Zabroski
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1 answer

Make fonts on Windows render like Mac/Linux: disabling font-hinting and/or deal with anti-alias on client side

Is it possible to turn off "font-hinting" on Windows via javascript or any other client side code? I want browsers on Windows to mimic fonts the way they look on Mac - because I'm using an HTML-to-PDF tool (PrinceXML) which I think is the best in…
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3 answers

libjpeg library missing for bookshop princexml install on Ubuntu 12

I installed bookshop on my Ubuntu 12 install and followed the instructions for installing PrinceXML. I am getting the following error when executing prince: /usr/lib/prince/bin/prince: error while loading shared libraries: cannot…
Dave Thompson
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1 answer

Expanding an array in BASH

I have an array: allChapters=('1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9' '10' '11' '12' '13' '14' 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' 'H' 'I') I need to run a command that takes specifying parameters like: prince index.html 1.html 2.html 3.html 4.html 5.html…
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1 answer

How to detect pagebreak in Prince PDF?

I have a generated 100 pages long document with dozens of sections, headers and varying text + image content. There are user inserted pagebreaks as well as injected pagebreaks, but most of the text runs from page to page. Something that is driving…
1 answer

PrinceXML full page background with page numbering

PrinceXML is really great and powerful but I’m offended by the way it manages header/footer. I am trying to have 3 columns with different background colours to run on the full page height. Not a problem until you add a footer to include the page’s…
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0 answers

Stylesheet for printing at 300dpi

I'm trying to create a .pdf book with HTML and CSS. I did this once with 72dpi and it worked fine. Now I want to do the same with a 300dpi resolution. I'm using A4 page size and Prince XML to convert the HTML file to .pdf For the last project I used…
Bernd Strehl
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1 answer

Is @page really supported by current browsers?

I used to think that the only layout engine supports @page is PrinceXML, but recently I detected this: Try to print this demo page in different browsers and PrinceXML. Do I miss something?
Anas R.
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2 answers

How do I take prince output and pipe it through pdftk to remove watermark annotations?

I want to pipe princexml output through pdftk to remove annotations. How can I combine this existing portion of a working AppleScript line: do shell script "/usr/local/bin/prince --page-size=A4 --page-margin=5mm " & (quoted form of POSIX path of…
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2 answers

Help with Ruby & PrinceXML

I'm trying to write a very simple markdown-like converter in ruby, then pass the output to PrinceXML (which is awesome). Prince basically converts html to pdf. Here's my code: #!/usr/bin/ruby # USAGE: command source-file.txt target-file.pdf # read…
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