Questions tagged [preloadjs]

A JavaScript library that lets you manage and coordinate the loading of assets. It has a built-in plugin model to assist with preloading in other CreateJS libraries.

TweenJS is a JavaScript library that lets you manage and coordinate the loading of assets. It has a built-in in plugin model to assist with preloading in other CreateJS libraries.


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80 questions
1 answer

Is it possible to preload and cache video files without adding them to the DOM?

I'm working on a game that involves trigging one of 30 small video files depending on what result you get. As the videos need to play immediately after the user interacts, ideally I'd like to have the videos preloaded and ready to go. I've added…
Ger Carney
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`Preload.js` failed to load some files on Android devices

PreloadJS stuck at a specific step when loading files on Android devices while everything works fine on a desktop browser and iPhone. The loading process stopped at the final GIF file (as shown in the code). Why this GIF file could not be…
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Haxe CreateJS loading external manifest content fails

Am trying to build an app using Haxe and CreateJS (externs). I am running into an issue with loading manifests. Here is the code: function loadAssets():void { var _manifest:String = "assets/manifests/mymanifest.json"; _queue = new…
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2 answers

PreloadJS to pass to background-image

Am using Preload JS to load my images. Some of these images however need to be injected as background-images in CSS. However this doesn't work. When I pass my 'background' to $('.main').css('background-image', 'url(' + img + ')'); the HTML is…
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CreateJS - Issue loading sounds in IE11

I've run across a weird issue with sound file loading in IE11. I have a manifest of about a dozen images and then about 8 sound files. What's happening is versions of IE11 that have even the slightest modifications in the security settings are…
2 answers

Unable to preload and display SVG with CreateJS

I am trying to preload a set of SVG objects and display them using CreateJS/PreloadJS. So far I was able to display a SVG object without preloading, but as soon as I use the LoadQueue from PreloadJS, I can't get my sample to work. Does somebody know…
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Cannot load assets more than once with PreloadJS and Vue.js

I am trying to create a Vue.js component which would allow me to load (using PreloadJS) and display various EaselJS canvas experiments. The Vue.js component: Gets created with a HTML canvas and 2 divs for experiment scripts and the EaselJS…
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2 answers

PreloadJS not working on Angular (createjs-module)

I'm having an issue with angular & createjs-module. The createjs-module is working, as you can see on the code, shape methods and tweens are working (I can visualize it on browser successfully): But when…
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1 answer

PreloadJS tag loading instead of xhr

I am using preloadjs for large asset loading. I am using lots of js libraries like 60+ jquery plugins. I just want a nice loader that displays progress of assets loading with progress bar and listing file which were loaded successfully and which…
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0 answers

Interface for Native Module in Electron-TypeScript-React App

I'm writing an app that depends on a native Node module using Electron, React and TypeScript. I have context isolation on and am using a preload script to expose the API of the native module onto the global scope. My preload script looks like: const…
1 answer

Electron - preload.js is not loaded and error is occurred on Windows 10

When I built npm start the app on Windows 10, it does not work normally which worked fine on macOS. package.json { "name": "SimpleTimer", "version": "1.0.0", "productName": "SimpleTimer", "copyright": "", "description": "", "main":…
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0 answers

Preload json files generated by bodymovin/lottie loaded twice by PreloadJS

I am trying to create a preload for my site via the PreloadJS library. On the site I created a dozen items via bodymovin / lottie. Bodymovin create json files with all the information of the graphic elements and animations. With Lottie it is…
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Using PreloadJS and SoundJS in React app to preload sounds

I’m trying to use PreloadJS and SoundJS in a React app to preload all sounds and then play from the preloaded cache. I can't figure out how to create the LoadQueue and load the sounds in one component (top level: App.jsx ), and play them in a…
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1 answer

PreloadJS and Service Worker

I am trying to use service worker with PreloadJS. I have cached the images required and then loading them using the caches.match() function. When I try to load the image with jquery it works fine, but on loading with preloadJS it gives the…
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1 answer

How to change bitmap image in createjs when images are loaded using preloadjs?

I have created a bitmap using an image from the queue. Next, I am trying to change the image by updating the image.src property but it isn't working because it expects a path to the image's location. How can I change the first image to the second…
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