Questions tagged [prebid.js]

A free and open source library for publishers to quickly implement header bidding.

Prebid.js is a 100% free and open source Javascript framework designed to make it easier for publishers to run pre-bid auctions and get access to more demand with minimal integration hassle.


82 questions
3 answers

How to determine winning auction prices for ads served to me?

With personal data mining in the news, monetization of this data and ultimately the valuation that Facebook, Google and others enjoy, derives from showing ads. I have what should be a pretty simple question- How much are advertisers actually paying…
Jonah Benton
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1 answer

Prebid Example Does Not Work When Running on Local Dev Server

TL;DR: Is it possible to test Prebid header bidding with Prebid.js v1.6.0 with a locally running web server? I have created a library for integrating Prebid header bidding into web applications built with React. It works fine using Prebid 0.34.6 and…
Patrick Hund
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1 answer

How to make self hosted prebid server work with AMP?

The github repo does not mention any thing on how to use the self hosted server work with AMP . They have given an endpoint to access after storing the request in the server: /openrtb2/amp?tag_id={ID} //id is the file name of request stored. I do…
0 answers

Setting Up Prebid and Receiving CORB Error

We're setting up prebid in our local environment with four ad networks; we aren't able to see ads. I think it's possible that we haven't seen ads because of our local environment, but we're also seeing the ad below. Cross-Origin Read Blocking…
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2 answers

Prebid with amp using DFP

I'm trying to use prebid with amp, but I'm getting the error: f.js:8 Error: Unknown attribute for doubleclick: prebid. at w ( at E ( at va…
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1 answer

How to handle multiple adSlots from GPT togheter with prebid.js

Im migrating from Adnuntius too GPT and are using prebid.js I need diffrent slots on each page and when im trying to define them, i only get them to work if i have diffrent sizes on each slot.Lets say that i use 970x250 on the first one and change…
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1 answer

How to understand auction winner (Prebid/Apstag/Adx)

On my site, I use Prebid and Apstag. How can I understand who won the auction? Is there a way to decrypt the CPM sent by Amazon? How to clearly understand who won Prebid / Amazon or Adx? I am trying to use this method …
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1 answer

Prebid not attempting to set key values in ad targeting

I am trying to setup prebid on my website and using the sample code from prebid website. Currently i have appnexus and Adx on board, this is the flow in console: As you can see in above image that the flow is perfect…
1 answer

getAllPrebidWinningBids() returns something but getAllWinningBids() is empty

I've been struggling with pbjs and DFP for several days now and my current problem is the one described in the title: when I type pbjs.getAllPrebidWinningBids() in the console, something is returned but nothing is displayed on my test page, and when…
0 answers

Setting up DFP for Mobile and Desktop - Line Item targeting

I was wondering, our desktop setup is already done so the dfp key hb_pb for desktop can not be changed anymore So the price targeting for hb_pb is returning a third party creative with this code: