Questions tagged [powergui]

PowerGUI is a graphical user interface and script editor for Microsoft Windows PowerShell.

46 questions
4 answers

Error when calling 3rd party executable from Powershell when using an IDE

I have a PowerShell script that uses du.exe (Disk Usage originally from Sysinternals) to calculate the size of directories. If I run du c:\Backup in the console, it works as expected, but the same line of code run in ISE or PowerGui gives the…
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3 answers

Prevent PowerGUI from truncating the output

I'm trying to get an output from a powershell command. However The output is truncated. [PS] >Get-QADGroup "admins" Name Type DN ---- ---- -- Admins …
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Is there a way to have the PowerShell screen clear itself before each command?

I'm playing around with PowerShell and I find myself constantly typing cls before I run commands. Or worse, I run a command, realize that the output from other stuff is making it a pain to navigate, run cls, and rerun my darn command. Is there a way…
Programmer Paul
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Is there a way to properly access the isnetworkdeployed property from a complied EXE (using Quest PowerGUI)?

I have a small PowerShell script wrapped in an exe (using Quest Power GUI). This exe is then deployed to a UNC path using mageUI.exe (i.e. through a 'ClickOnce' deployment). Now, there is a namespace available to…
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1 answer

Powershell catch non-terminating errors WITH SilentlyContinue

I would like to catch and handle non-terminating errors but using -ErrorAction SilentlyContiune. I know I need to use -ErrorAction Stop in order to catch a non-terminating error. The problem with that method is that I don't want my code in the try…
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$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path is $null in PowerGUI script editor

When trying to debug my powershell script in the powerGUI script editor ( the $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path is $null. It works when running the script via powershell. Running it in Powershell_ise.exe (on one of our servers) also works…
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Can Powershell Receive-Job return a DataSet?

Background Info: I have an application that makes several SQL connections to multiple databases which currently takes a very very long time to execute. Powershell (.NET) will wait for each proceeding "SQL-GET" function to finish before it can fire…
2 answers

How to Prevent PowerGUI from Running Script on Open?

When I open any .ps1 via "Open with PowerGUI Script Editor" in Windows Explorer's context menu, PowerGUI first runs the script, then lets me edit it. Is this behaviour by design? If I run the PowerGUI Script Editor then open the .ps1 via File |…
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Why does "F5 - Start Debugging" ignore breakpoints in PowerGUI?

I'm not sure if I'm being a bit thick, but I have a simple script with three lines: $iis = 90000 $name = "somesite" Write-Host("Values are: $iis and $name") If I set a breakpoint on any of these lines and hit the play button (F5 - start debugging)…
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1 answer

Powershell hash table storing values of "System.Collections.DictionaryEntry"

When I execute the command: $var = @{a=1;b=2} in Powershell (Version 3), $var ends up with a value of {System.Collections.DictionaryEntry, System.Collections.DictionaryEntry}. Why is this happening? How can I store the values I want to store?
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Include pictures while converting ps1 to exe with PowerGUI

I use the PowerGUI editor to convert a ps1 file to an exe file. Reason is that I dont want people to see my source code. The script includes a own little GUI with a picture on it. My problem is that after converting the script to an exe file the…
1 answer

Difference between Powershell ISE and PowerGUI for [Environment+SpecialFolder]

I'm making a powershell installation script for an app at work and I'm constantly switching from PowerShell ISE to PowerGUI to make it. I found a difference between them I really can't explain and I'd like to have some advice. For the same following…
Jib Léna
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How do i use SharePoint Client Object Model and PowerShell to upload documents to libraries?

I've tried converting these code snippets to PowerShell: ClientContext context = new ClientContext("http://spdevinwin"); 2: 3: Web web = context.Web; 4: 5: FileCreationInformation newFile = new FileCreationInformation(); 6:…
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3 answers

dot-source failing oin powergui

I'im trying to dot-source a script file in PowerGui 3.0 , but all i get is ; The term '.\PowerShell.Common.ps1' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spel ling of the name, or if a…
Microsoft Developer
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3 answers

Can my PowerGUI compiled PowerShell script be viewed by users?

I use PowerGUI to convert my PowerShell scripts to executables, and it is working fine. I'd like to prevent my compiled script from being extracted or decompiled by users I distribute the generated executable to. Is it possible to view my…
Sreehari Babu
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