Questions tagged [playn]

PlayN is an open-source, cross-platform game development framework that provides a single Java API that can be used to generate HTML5, Android, iOS, and desktop Java/applet clients.

PlayN is an open-source, cross-platform game development framework created by Google engineers and supported by an active community. It provides a single Java API that can be used to generate HTML5 (via GWT), iOS (via IKVM and MonoTouch), Android, and desktop Java clients.

291 questions
14 answers

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.10:test

I have scoured the internet for almost five days now looking for a fix to this issue, but I cannot seem to find and fix it on my own, mainly because I am so new to both Maven and PlayN so I'm not entirely sure at what I'm looking at exactly. But,…
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26 answers

Missing artifact com.sun:tools:jar

I've been following the getting started tutorial, but am stuck after I imported the playn project using Maven. I am using Eclipse Indigo running on 64bit Windows 7. All the imported projects have the same error: Missing Artifact com.sun:tools:jar…
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8 answers

libgdx or playn?

I'd like some help chosing a framework for cross platform mobile game development. I have narrowed it down to libgdx and playn I plan to make games mainly targeted for Android but i would also be able to release them on ios and as html. I know that…
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16 answers

Build error: missing artifact com.sun:tools:jar:1.6

Trying to build PlayN sample projects I get: Missing artifact com.sun:tools:jar:1.6 pom.xml /playn-cute line 6 Maven Dependency Problem On every pom.xml file. How do I resolve it? Edit: I've added the profiles node to the pom.xml, but the error…
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3 answers

PlayN - no sound on Android

I'm having a problem playing sounds on Android. I've added the following code to my project: import playn.core.Sound; ... @Override public void init() { Sound bg = assets().getSound("bg");; ... } The code works as intended…
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1 answer

How to handle RPCs in client-server PlayN game?

I'd like to use PlayN to create a client/server card game, e.g. Hearts. While I'm mostly focusing on the HTML5 output, I'd ideally like to be output-platform-agnostic in case I decide to make an Android client in the future. How should I approach…
Mark Schmit
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2 answers

PlayN/GWT - did you forget to inherit a required module?

I'm having a weird problem when I try to compile my game in HTML. (I searched the other topics and they refer to people who are importing illegal packages, which I'm not.) So basically, every class called in my main one and outside of my main…
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1 answer

What are some alternatives to PlayN?

I would like to know what alternatives are out there before making a decision on which to use, thanks. Possibly one that supports both Android and iOS.
Van Nguyen
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2 answers

GWT Compiler Error: Missing Interface Methods on Subclass (PlayN HTML)

Disclaimer: I'm new to GWT/PlayN, so this might be an obvious mistake that I'm making. When I have a basic (starter) PlayN project, my BlahGame class method implements the Game interface, which requires three methods: init, paint, and update. The…
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1 answer

How much is PlayN supported by Google?

When you access PlayN's site you see that PlayN's logo uses Google colors: Also, Lilli Thompson talked about PlayN at New Game Conference in 2011 as a Google game developer advocate.…
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1 answer

PlayN - Virtual keyboard on iOS and Android

Is there a way to programmatically trigger the virtual keyboard on iOS and Android in PlayN? Something like Gdx.input.setOnscreenKeyboardVisible(true); in LibGDX. The best I could find is the Keyboard interface, but from what I can tell, this can…
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1 answer

A way to get an image from an url in PlayN

I'm making a game that's part of a service where users can register avatars. The problem is that the playn api doesn't seems to have any load image from URL function (or maybe I'm kinda blind). Am I missing some important part of the API???…
Thiago Born
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1 answer

Unable to run playn sample project - compile errors

I've tried to follow the instructions on the getting started page for playn and run into problems when running the first program java showcase. I get the following errors when right clicking and running Maven test. Also I get numerous errors in the…
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3 answers

What can I use in core Java as an alternative of Async Task in Android

I have created an app in android. Now I want to create a web version using PlayN. What I want is to replace all the android specific code to normal java code. In android version I use Async task. What can I use instead of this?
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1 answer

Where to see output from PlayN.Log

I am using PlayN for a small project, and it would be nice to be able to output some debug code during runtime in different browsers. PlayN provides a function called log, where I can choose different levels of output, but none of them seems to…
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