Questions tagged [placement-new]

In C++ placement new is used to construct an object at a particular memory location or to pass additional arguments to an allocation function.

325 questions
25 answers

What uses are there for "placement new"?

Has anyone here ever used C++'s "placement new"? If so, what for? It looks to me like it would only be useful on memory-mapped hardware.
Head Geek
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7 answers

Array placement-new requires unspecified overhead in the buffer?

5.3.4 [] of the C++11 Feb draft gives the example: new(2,f) T[5] results in a call of operator new[](sizeof(T)*5+y,2,f). Here, x and y are non-negative unspecified values representing array allocation overhead; the result of the…
Mooing Duck
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6 answers

Why isn't there a std::construct_at in C++17?

C++17 adds std::destroy_at, but there isn't any std::construct_at counterpart. Why is that? Couldn't it be implemented as simply as the following? template T* construct_at(void* addr, Args&&... args) { return new…
Daniel Langr
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9 answers

C++, is it possible to call a constructor directly, without new?

Can I call constructor explicitly, without using new, if I already have a memory for object? class Object1{ char *str; public: Object1(char*str1){ str=strdup(str1); puts("ctor"); puts(str); } ~Object1(){ …
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1 answer

Passing null pointer to placement new

The default placement new operator is declared in 18.6 [support.dynamic] ¶1 with a non-throwing exception-specification: void* operator new (std::size_t size, void* ptr) noexcept; This function does nothing except return ptr; so it is reasonable…
Jonathan Wakely
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11 answers

malloc & placement new vs. new

I've been looking into this for the past few days, and so far I haven't really found anything convincing other than dogmatic arguments or appeals to tradition (i.e. "it's the C++ way!"). If I'm creating an array of objects, what is the compelling…
3 answers

Is "rebinding" references in C++ like this legal?

Is the following legal in C++? As far as I can tell, Reference has a trivial destructor, so it should be legal. But I thought references can't be rebound legally... can they? template struct Reference { T &r; Reference(T &r) : r(r)…
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6 answers

Destroy and then construct new object using the same variable

Sometimes it's nice to start over. In C++ I can employ this following simple manoeuvre: { T x(31, Blue, false); x.~T(); // enough with the old x ::new (&x) T(22, Brown, true); // in with the new! //…
Kerrek SB
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3 answers

Why can't constructors be explicitly called while destructors can?

In the following C++ code, I am allowed to explicitly call the destructor but not the constructor. Why is that? Wouldn't be explicit ctor call more expressive and unified with the dtor case? class X { }; int main() { X* x = (X*)::operator…
2 answers

Constexpr placement new?

The C++ standard specifically bans calling new in a constant expression (N4296 section 5.20 [expr.const]): A conditional-expression e is a core constant expression unless the evaluation of e, following the rules of the abstract machine (1.9), would…
Tristan Brindle
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4 answers

How to properly free the memory allocated by placement new?

I've been reading somewere that when you use placement new then you have to call the destructor manually. Consider the folowing code: // Allocate memory ourself char* pMemory = new char[ sizeof(MyClass)]; // Construct the object ourself MyClass*…
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6 answers

What is an in-place constructor in C++?

Possible Duplicate: C++'s “placement new” What is an in-place constructor in C++? e.g. Datatype *x = new(y) Datatype();
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5 answers

Do I really have to worry about alignment when using placement new operator?

I read this When should I worry about alignment? but I am still do not know if I have to worry about not aligned pointer returned by placement new operator - like in this example: class A { public: long double a; long long b; A() : a(1.3),…
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7 answers

Using new (this) to reuse constructors

This came up recently in a class for which I am a teaching assistant. We were teaching the students how to do copy constructors in c++, and the students who were originally taught java asked if you can call one constructor from another. I know the…
Brandon Bodnar
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4 answers

How to delete object constructed via placement new operator?

char * buf = new char[sizeof(T)]; new (buf) T; T * t = (T *)buf; //code... //here I should destruct *t but as it is argument of template and can be //instantiated via basic types as well (say int) so such code /*t->~T();*/ //is incorrect (maybe…
Mihran Hovsepyan
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