Questions tagged [pivotal-web-services]

90 questions
3 answers

Cloud foundry: ERR Timed out after 1m0s: health check never passed

After I deployed my app into cloud foundry got the following error message: ERR Timed out after 1m0s: health check never passed. Of course on my local machine works perfectly.
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Can't retrieve Amazon Credentials

I am trying to provide credentials for my Spring boot maven application hosted on the cloud (Pivotal Web Services) to be able to upload to Amazon S3. However, every time I try to get the credentials using: DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain…
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How to run a spring application on cloud foundry as a one-off task using the java buildpack

I would like to run a spring application on cloudfoundry as a one-off task using the java buildpack. Please note that my app is not a web application but a spring batch application that also uses spring cloud task. Here is my…
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How to use kafka and storm on cloudfoundry?

I want to know if it is possible to run kafka as a cloud-native application, and can I create a kafka cluster as a service on Pivotal Web Services. I don't want only client integration, I want to run the kafka cluster/service itself? Thanks, Anil
3 answers

Pivotal Web Services: Flyway Enterprise Edition or MySQL upgrade required

I get the following message when deploying my Spring Boot Application to Pivotal Web Services with a MySQL cleardb spark database: org.flywaydb.core.internal.license.FlywayEditionUpgradeRequiredException: Flyway Enterprise Edition or MySQL…
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1 answer

Port number used by spring boot application

I have many spring boot app pushed on PCF (Pivotal Cloud Foundry). Just for my understanding I have some question. I can see the default port used by embedded tomcat is 8080 for all the apps. So how is this managed by PCF because generally only 1…
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Where do I put my WAR file on my Pivotal TC server?

I'm trying to teach myself how to use Java with Pivotal TC server. I have a Cloud9 account where I set up a server with Pivotal TC. I also created a simple Hello World app in Spring Tool Suite and exported it on my desktop as a WAR file. So I have…
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Unable to add Pivotal Server in Spring tool suite

I am using Mac PC and "Spring Tool suite" latest version based on eclipse "4.11.0" I want to run the project using pivotal server, I am trying to add pivotal server. Because their is no server added to my project getting error as bellow "The…
3 answers

How do I connect to my MySQL service on Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) via MySQL Workbench or CLI or MySQLWeb Database Management App?

I have a Spring Boot based REST application that is deployed on Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) and working fine. But this REST application did not had any DB connection till now. Hence, I decided to install MySQL service on PCF from the marketplace and…
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1 answer No unique service matching interface org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.ConnectionFactory found.

I am trying to deploy the springboot application in Pivotal Cloud Foundry. I am getting following exception. Caused by: No unique service matching interface…
2 answers

Why does pivotal cloud foundry does not remove a route when a corresponding app is deleted?

I have been exploring Pivotal Cloud Foundry - Public Cloud Version by setting up an Pivotal Web Services account. While exploring the CF CLI I followed the below…
Baskar Rao
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1 answer

What is the difference between Cloud Foundry, PCF Dev, PCF Enterprice, PCF and Pivotal Web services?

Please explain what is the difference between CF, PCF, PCF Dev, PCF Enterprise and Pivotal Web services? Can PCF be installed in our local Workstation and access all the services?
Saranya Unni
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3 answers

Pivotal Cloud Foundry - Why is restart required after bind-service

The entry in VCAP_SERVICES seems to be getting added as soon as as cf bind-service command is called. If that is the case why is Restart required
2 answers

Springboot application in pivotal Cloud with different environments

I am using a Pivotal Cloud foundry with different testing environments (test, QA, UAT, PROD) Spring boot application I have created multiple properties files(Each pointing to different db)…
1 answer

Running batch applications on Cloudfoundry: using tasks instead of long-running processes

I would like to run a batch application (that is a short lived process that should not be restarted) on Pivotal CloudFoundry. I am not sure how to do that. My current batch app is restarted repeatedly by Pivotal CF. It seems there's a new CF…
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