Questions tagged [phonegap-admob]

18 questions
5 answers

Create a Custom AdMob Plugin for Phonegap Build (for iOS and Android)

Everything in my Phonegap Build app is working, including the Analytics and FacebookConnect plugins. However, now I would like to add AdMob ads. Phonegap Build does not provide a built-in plugin for AdMob, but according to the Phonegap Build Plugins…
Mark Rummel
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1 answer

Error when building locally in Cordova after adding cordova-plugin-admobpro

I have upgraded my Cordova CLI development environment to the latest versions. But still obtaining this error so I can't build my project: The command: cordova build android The error message: Error: Project contains at least one plugin that…
Javier Haro
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3 answers

How to show loaded reward video in adMobPro?

I am using in my phonegap application. For interstitial and banner I am using AdMob.showInterstitial(); AdMob.showBanner(getSelectedPosition()); is working correctly. Now I am trying to display…
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1 answer

How do I show ads in Phonegap Build using the Phonegap-admob plugin?

I've been trying to make an app using HTML, CSS, and JS using Phonegap Build, but admob ads will not show up. My JS code for showing ads is:
0 answers

how to add admob ads to phonegap/cordova app without plugins?

none of the "cordova-admob" plugins are working for me. not sure why any other ways to add admob to a cordova project without the plugins? is it possible to "build" the cordova project and than put it in android studio and than add the admob code?
0 answers

none of the cordova admob plugins works

i tried EVERY one of the cordova/admob plugins. none of them working, theres no specific error. all building or installing processes are seems to work fine. but when i put the APK on my phone there are no ads. i tried using the test ads of admobs.…
0 answers

Admob banner width ionic cordova too big

I have integrated admob in my ionic app. Issue is the width of the banner ad is too wide. Its almost double the width of general banner ad. Please suggest where i am doing wrong. Below are the details of plugin and admob code. Plugins…
0 answers

admob free interstitial ad only shows me test and not real ads, by integrating the script in apppresser

(function() { ready("#showAdDiaria", function(element) { var el = document.getElementById("showAdDiaria"); var adunit; var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (/(android)/i.test(userAgent)) { // put android ad…
1 answer

Why the back button stopped to work on my Phonegap app after showing admob banner on android?

I coded an app with phonegap and framework7. Everything was fine, including my physical back button that is used to navigate and prompt a confirm box before exiting the app. Finally, I included the admob's code, which I already used before but in an…
1 answer

Interstitial Ad doesn't appear

I can't do a simply html page with an Interstitial Add. I'm new in programming and I have no idea what's wrong in this code. I'm doing an app with phonegap. I added also
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