Questions tagged [pdftron]

Use this tag for questions regarding any PDFTron product that does not have its own tag.

PDFTron is a company that develops cross-platform PDF toolkits and libraries.

263 questions
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How to select or highlight the text on mouse move event in WritableBitmap in wpf c#

I have WritableBitmap image and I have set in image control src. I am creating rectangle when user move on the selected text area.I am also using PDFtron SDK to get selected text from the PDF document. we are getting WritableBitmap image from PDF.…
Jitendra singh
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3 answers

How to use Existing .so file in android application

I was searching for library which should convert .doc/.docx to .pdf in android platform. I got PdFTron android sdk,in that they have given file. For Conversion, there is class called Convert, inside that there is a method toPDF(), in…
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Why PDFTron PDFViewCtrl.Update() throws AccessViolationException

I'm using PDFTron PDF annotation library in my windows store app project. Sometimes when I tried to load previously done annotations (save as a separate file) into the PDFView Control it throws AccessViolationException. Please help. On my page this…
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How to highlight and make text selection in PDF using PDFTron Library in Xamarin IOS

I had done code for Text Search. Then I had make highlight and Text Selection. But It wont' Worked. I am using PDF Net Library. I am using PDFDOC to open online pdf url. I had used TextSearch Method Search the document and returns upon the…
SR AspNet
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PDFTron memory leak zooming

I'm working with PDFTron and it works all nice and dandy for doing stuff with PDF's. I made an app with xamarin in which people open up alot of pdf's to sign them. This works fine as well. The problem starts however when one zooms in and out. Then…
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Extract text and all Font information from pdf viewer

User will see a pdf in webbrowser Control(or any other viewer) and select the text from it then I want to find 1)Coordinates of selected text. 2)Font Size of selected text. 3)Font Color of Selected text. 4)Page Number of selected text. So that i can…
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Want to capture the start and end time for loading a document with/without annotation in WebViewer

After reviewing the following link : 1 - -> A guide showing how to interact with WebViewer events in general 2 -…
Steve Kwok
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2 answers

How to fill an editable PDF with stored data in Kotlin?

I'm coding an application on Android Studio using Kotlin. For now, I have one fragment where the user has to fill some fields (like "Client", "Date", etc) and I'd like to put these information in an editable PDF that already exists when the user…
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Is there a way to create a Stamp annotation using a SVG as ImageData

I would like to create a custom stamp annotation using a SVG in PDFTron. I saw someone on some google forum having the same question, and a PDFTron developer actually responded, and this is what I have so far... const svgElement = 'my…
1 answer

PDFTRON instance not opening pdf document second time on model

i am working in project where using model to show PDFTron webviewer. i am using model popup to load webviewer inside it when select pdf file from list. first time it loads pdf document but when "clr-modal" open second time webviewer not load…
2 answers

Your server does not have a MIME type set for extension res. in Angular 7

I am loading PDFTron web viewer in my angular 7 application. I am able to load PDFTron web viewer template in UI but while loading sample PDF file I am getting the error below. enter image description here I am getting 404 file not found error …
madhu Goud
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importAnnotCommand returning undefined

I am trying to import freehand annotations using the xfdf format with the importAnnotCommand() method but I get a return value of undefined sometimes, I am generating these strings using the getAnnotCommand() method. The xfdf string is generated by…
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how to export the freetext annotations with contents-richtext

I've updated the WebViewer from a very old version to the latest version (v5.0). And I found that there is no "contents-richtext" data in the exported XMLdata, I've tried to set exportContentsRichText = true but It's not effective. Does anyone…
1 answer

Convert HTML to PDF with Header and Footer

We have header and footer String as HTML content type but how to append both on every page. In below java method we are passing three parameter htmlcontent, HeaderContent, FooterContent and return number of pages created in html, But where do we…
Dipak Prajapati
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Angular: Pass method as argument in angular

I have create a method that that require a anonymous method as parameter. as follows getannotationContent(): any { var searchString = 'cash'; var strLength = searchString.length; var doc =…
Manoj Gupta
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