Questions tagged [pdfpage]

14 questions
1 answer

Erase pdfAnnotation added using pdfkit

I used the below code to draw a line to a pdfpage. Is there any way i can erase the annotation like an eraser when user drags over it. let lineAttributes: [PDFAnnotationKey: Any] = [ .linePoints: [startPoint.x, startPoint.y, point.x, point.y], …
Faheem Rahman
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PDFAnnotation in iOS <11.1

Creating and removing PDFAnnotation works perfectly fine on iOS 11.2, but have issues on lower iOS versions (don't know about 11.1, but test device has 11.0.5 installed). PDFView after adding annotation to the page: PDFView after removing…
Maksym Musiienko
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NSImage -> PDFPage -> NSImage how do I mantain resolution?

I have a bunch of NSImages that I'm keeping in a PDFDocument, as PDFPages. When I insert the NSImage the first time, the size of the NSImage is in points (72 dpi), and the size of the (only) NSImageRep is in pixels (200 dpi). However, the NSImage…
Brian Postow
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PDFView doesn't update when adding PDFPage to the PDFDocument

I'm making an application to scan multiple page pdf files. I have a PDFView and a PDFThumbnailView that are linked. The first time a scan is completed, I create a new PDFDocument and set it to PDFView. Then whenever another scan is completed I add a…
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How to get exact X and Y origin values of pdf page in iOS, PDFKit, swift

I'm using PDFKit to display pdf using pdfview to user and it works perfectly. here is my implementation of pdfview. and here are the properties of pdfview. if let pdfdoc = PDFDocument(url: docurl) { print("working") pdfdocument = pdfdoc …
Marlon Brando aka Ben
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2 answers

PDFPage does not exist in Python PDFMiner library

So i pip installed pdfminer3k for python 3.6. I was trying to follow some examples in opening and converting PDF files to text and they all require a PDFPage import. This does not exist for me. Is there any work around for this? I tried copying a…
1 answer

How to merge pdf documents and add pages in between

I have a requirement where i have to merge multiple PDF documents and add pages also with some text. For e.g. I have copied pages from one PDF and now i have to add a page with some text and then i need to copy pages from second PDF and then again…
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Added annotation on PDFPage , still editable when export to Macboook

Me added Pdf annotation using below code textAnnotation = PDFAnnotation(bounds: pageBounds!, forType: .ink, withProperties: nil) pdfView.currentPage?.addAnnotation(textAnnotation!) its working fine, added annotation visible in…
Jagveer Singh
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What object-oriented data structure for pdfQuery resultant data?

I am currently building a program in python to scrape and parse pdfs hopefully a bit more elegantly than what is available currently. The data structure hierarchy that is output from pdfquery in python is: (Hopefully this makes sense) PDFDocument …
1 answer

How we can edit PDFPage Text in IOS swift 4?

I just want to edit PDFPage text , user click on edit button a box will be shown on each textBox rect and when user touch on any box then its text will be start editing and user able to remove all text and replace it with new one. Here is my pdf…
Jawad Ali
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1 answer

PDFPage initWithImage: strange behavior

I can't understand the difference. It seams to be the same but is not! Does enybody know why? // Working: PDFPage *imagePDFPage = [[PDFPage alloc] initWithImage: [[NSImage alloc]initWithContentsOfFile:imagePath]]; // NOT Working: NSImage *image =…
Andreas Prang
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How to find the OC COSName in a PDPage belong to which Optional Content Group?

I have implemented functionality to allow user to draw a cloud shape on a pdf, using the PDPageContentStream class's curve methods.And, I am drawing each of this cloud on a separate layer(OCG). Now I want to implement functionality to delete this…
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How to convert Pdf pages into bitmaps using PdfRender in every android api version's?

I have looked through several codes and imported many libraries, i tried using PdfRender which is quite easy to use but it doesn't work below api version 21 and android-pdfviewer library code it makes the apk size lot bigger when i imported and used…
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iTextSharp document close is causing an extra blank page

I am using the PdfPageEventHelper in order to be able to add Header and Footer to each page of my document automatically. As was mentioned in many places I am doing so while overriding the OnEndPage. On my class I am creating: PdfDocument creating…
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