Questions tagged [pathauto]

PathAuto is a Drupal module that allows to automatically create path aliases for different type of pages.

The Pathauto module automatically generates path aliases for various kinds of content (nodes, categories, users) without requiring the user to manually specify the path alias. This allows you to get aliases like /category/my-node-title.html instead of /node/123. The aliases are based upon a "pattern" system which the administrator can control.

Pathauto depends on the Token module.

53 questions
10 answers

Menu path in Pathauto

How do I get pathauto under Drupal 7 to generate a URL alias by the full menu path?
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3 answers

Fundamental understanding of how Views and Pathauto work together

I am having fundamental problems understanding when to use a pathauto rule, and when to use a views page path. I have several custom content types, and I am using blocks to display certain parts of nodes on certain paths. Then I use a views page to…
Dan Johnston
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4 answers

How to programmatically bulk create/update aliases in Drupal 7

How to programmatically bulk alias node urls by using only drupal 7 core (with it's great batch API !)? My question is actually how to make drupal use and recognise the aliases stored in url_alias table? Background: The project I work on has more…
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Drupal 7:Pathauto patterns from menu structure hierarchy

I'm trying to create a Pathauto pattern which looks like "Drupal root/parent_menu_item_name/node_title" where "node_title" is a child of "parent_menu_item_name" in the menu hierarchy. I've tried many different variations, and nothing works. I've…
Dylan Spencer James
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2 answers

In Drupal, how to change the values passed to Pathauto?

I have Pathauto configured to generate an alias based on the title of a node, for a specific content type. The problem is that I want to make small changes in this title before Pathauto uses it to generate the alias. The first comment in this post…
Vinicius Pinto
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Drupal 8 - Custom Url path for node with taxonomy

I'm trying to save a custom url path like such: "/PARENT_TERM/TERM/NODE_NAME" Thanks to Pathauto, I've managed to get hold of the info I needed to construct the url string but I can't seem to get my url to save. I'm also not sure whether it would be…
1 answer

Drupal 7 list users with taxonomy term using Views and Pathauto

I am attempting to create a taxonomy term page to display users tagged with a vocabulary "expertise" and not having much luck. I'm using pathauto to alias the taxonomy term pages with the following pattern: [term:vocabulary]/[term:name]. I then have…
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Drupal Panel Pages Pathauto

I have a Panel Page set up with the path node/%node/foo and all works fine when I visit a link such as node/6/foo. However, when I visit nodealias/foo it doesn't work at all. Is it possible to get panels to work with pathauto in this way? I am…
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Drupal: assign block to a specific content type

I made a customized template called node-mynode.tpl.php Whenever a node of type mynode is requested, then node-mynode.tpl.php is automatically used. However, now user wants to see a specific menu block in this case. Question: How can I assign a…
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1 answer

apply drupal pathauto generals settings manually

I want to make aliases for different languages in my own modules code. For that reason I want to apply all the general replace patterns of pathauto to a string. For example replace spaces by seperators and special characters. Is there a function,…
1 answer

Using Pathauto on Articles in Drupal

In Drupal 7, I have a site with thousands of articles. I'm using taxonomies to sort my articles, and a view which uses a content filter to display the appropriate articles with the associated terms on certain pages. Standard functionality. I've…
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Pathauto based on Primary Links

I'm trying to set up pathauto to generate clean URLs based on my primary links. So About > Executives / Board would be about/executives-board. I've used the [menupath-raw] token for this which is creating the alias: About/Executives / Board It's not…
Ian McIntyre Silber
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where in the db is the "Automatic alias" setting stored for drupal's pathauto

I created a bunch of nodes using node_save(). Unfortunately, I forgot to turn on the Automatic alias setting on them. Anyone know how I can do that now? I can't figure out where in the db that setting is stored. (Other non-db approaches are fine,…
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Drupal pathauto token [term:parents:join-path] works wrong

If parent term url wasn't autogenerated. And children term url was generated using token [term:parents:join-path], it use wrong parent category url (autogenerated, but not real). Imagint we have set Blog taxonomy terms URL aliases generation rule to…
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drupal 7 taxonomy i18n is not working when editing multilingual content.I'm stock to default language

I create a taxonomy called colors. Each of my term are translatable, in french and english. I create a content type called product where I can associate a taxonomy color. Note that my product content type is multilingual aswell My admin default…
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