Questions tagged [path-dependent-type]

152 questions
1 answer

What is meant by Scala's path-dependent types?

I've heard that Scala has path-dependent types. It's something to do with inner-classes but what does this actually mean and why do I care?
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Any reason why scala does not explicitly support dependent types?

There are path dependent types and I think it is possible to express almost all the features of such languages as Epigram or Agda in Scala, but I'm wondering why Scala does not support this more explicitly like it does very nicely in other areas…
Ashkan Kh. Nazary
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Sample of `forSome { val `?

Scala Language Specification specifies syntax of Existential Types as Type ::= InfixType ExistentialClauses ExistentialClauses ::= ‘forSome’ ‘{’ ExistentialDcl {semi ExistentialDcl} ‘}’ ExistentialDcl ::=…
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Why does Scala have path-dependent types?

I've been doing some research on path-dependent types. The best description I could find for it was: If L is a type label, then x.L and y.L are the same type iff x and y can be shown to refer to the same object. This sometimes isn't the subtyping…
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Why can’t Scala infer the path of a path-dependent type—even from an explicit self-reference?

I'd like to pass an object to a function that accepts an argument with a projected type, and get Scala to deduce that the object's type comes from the object that encloses it. Here's some simple code to illustrate the difficulty: trait Cult { cult_…
Ben Kovitz
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Path-dependent types and nested traits

Background Suppose I have some nested traits: trait Foo { trait Bar } And a couple of instances: val myFoo = new Foo {} val myBar = new myFoo.Bar {} I can write the following, which look (at least at a glance) like they should do more or less the…
Travis Brown
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Dependent method types conflict with default arguments

When playing with scala's dependent method types, I encountered a conflict with default method parameters: abstract class X { type Y case class YY(y: Y) } object XX extends X { type Y = String } trait SomeTrait { def method(x: X)(y: x.YY,…
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Dependent types not working for constructors?

Path-dependent types are useful: trait Sys { type Global } def foo[S <: Sys](system: S)(global: system.Global) = () Why doesn't this work for constructors? class Foo[S <: Sys](val system: S)(val global: system.Global) Or am I just doing it…
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scala path dependent types and type level proofs

I am currently trying to define a model of a clocked dataflow language in scala. A flow virtually represents an infinite sequence of values of some type T, paced by some clock C (a clock indicates at which moments the flow is actually…
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What is the difference between path-dependent types and dependent types?

Scala has path-dependent types, but it is said that Scala doesn’t support dependent typing. What is the difference between path-dependent types and dependent types? As far as I understand, path-dependent types are one kind of dependent types.
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relationship between path-dependent inner types in Scala

Warning: I'm cross-posting from #scala The book Programming in Scala states that path-dependent types are different depending on the exact instance of the path in question. If so, I don't understand why all the following predicates return…
Yuvi Masory
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Map with path-dependent value type?

I know that Scala has path-dependent types, so for example if I have a class within an inner class I can constrain one argument of a method to be an instance of the inner class of the other argument: class Outer { class Inner( x:Int ) } val o1 = new…
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How to emulate a dependent type in Scala

I'm trying to define a generic residue class ring in Scala. A residue class ring is defined by some base ring (e.g. the integers) and a modulus (e.g. two), which is a value from the base ring. Both rings and their elements are objects, hence the…
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How do I encode this method with an implicit parameter group which contains a dependent type?

Given a typeclass Printer with a dependent type Show[A]: trait Printer { type Show[A] def show[A](x: A)(implicit z: Show[A]): String } object Printer { // the intent here is this is the dumb fallback // and a user can have a better…
Dale Wijnand
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Are path-dependent types type projections?

I'm reading Scala in depth now. Here is an excerpt from the book: All path-dependent types are type projections. A path-dependent type foo.Bar is rewritten as foo.type#Bar by the compiler... In Scala, all type references can be written as…
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