Questions tagged [partial-functions]

Partial functions are functions which are not defined for all of their inputs. For questions about partially applied functions, use [partial-application] instead.

31 questions
3 answers

What exactly is meant by "partial function" in functional programming?

According to my understanding, partial functions are functions that we get by passing fewer parameters to a function than expected. For example, if this were directly valid in Python: >>> def add(x,y): ... return x+y ... >>> new_function =…
2 answers

In Haskell, why non-exhaustive patterns are not compile-time errors?

This is a follow-up of Why am I getting "Non-exhaustive patterns in function..." when I invoke my Haskell substring function? I understand that using -Wall, GHC can warn against non-exhaustive patterns. I'm wondering what's the reason behind not…
2 answers

Why is take a total function

take (-1) [] is []. What are the reasons to prefer this over a partial function, that is, an error? Are there use cases where this property is exploited?
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5 answers

Scala total function as partial function

Since a total function is a special case of a partial function, I think I should be able to return a function when I need a partial. Eg, def partial : PartialFunction[Any,Any] = any => any Of course this syntax fails to compile. My question is, is…
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1 answer

How does Scala Cons pattern matching determine the head and the tail of a List?

How is the head and tail determined in the following statement: val head::tail = List(1,2,3,4); //head: 1 tail: List(2,3,4) Shouldn't there be some piece of code which extracts the first element as head and returns the tail as a new List. I've…
1 answer

Is scanl1 really partial?

According to the Haskell wiki, the scanl1 function is partial. I don't understand what inputs result in bottom, though. For list functions, I'm used to the problem inputs either being empty lists (like for head) or infinite ones (like for reverse).…
2 answers

Scala's Partial Functions in Haskell

Scala has a very nice support of partial functions, mainly because in Scala when you define a partial function it also defines an isDefinedAt function for it. And also Scala has orElse and andThen functions to work with partial functions. Haskell…
Gurmeet Singh
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Short circuiting a list mapping with a partial function

So, I have made this function called tryMap which is as follows: /// tryMap, with failure and success continuations. let rec tryMapC : 'R -> ('U list -> 'R) -> ('T -> 'U option) -> ('T list) -> 'R = fun failure success mapping list -> …
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3 answers

Anonymous PartialFunction syntax

I asked this question earlier: Combine a PartialFunction with a regular function and then realized, that I haven't actually asked it right. So, here goes another attempt. If I do this: val foo = PartialFunction[Int, String] { case 1 => "foo" } …
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How to getOrElse with another Option in Scala

Let's assume that we have an option foo1 and an option foo2: val foo1: Option[Foo] val foo2: Option[Foo] Is there an operator/function that allows me to return the value of the foo2 when foo1 is None? val finalFoo: Option[Foo] =…
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Partial function explanation in the Odersky book

In the Scala Odersky book, he has an example explaining partial functions of page 295. It starts with this function: val second: List[Int] => Int = { case x :: y :: _ => y } So the above function will succeed if you pass it a three element list…
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0 answers

Anonymous partial function in early initializer requires "premature access to class"

Why does this fail to compile: trait Item trait StringItem extends Item { def makeString: String } trait SomeOtherItem extends Item trait DummyTrait case class Marquee(items: Seq[Item]) extends { val strings: Seq[String] = items.collect { …
Ben Kovitz
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1 answer

Applying partial functions where defined and a different function where not

This is a motivational example, Given: List((1,2), (2,1), (3,1)) I'd like to return: List((1,2),(3,1)) I've tried to do this in several ways. First: List((1,2), (2,1), (3,1)) map { case (a,b) => if (a > b) (a,b) else (b,a) } distinct Then I…
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1 answer

Explanation of List[_] in pattern matching used in flatten function

I am new to scala and I can not understand the following function val L = List(List(1, 1), 2, List(3, List(5, 8))) def flatten(l: List[Any]): List[Any] = l flatMap { case ms:List[_] => flatten(ms) case l => List(l) } …
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1 answer

http4s route matching for GET requests with params on root host

I have simple rout-mapping function which using http4s: import cats.syntax.all._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.circe._ def routeMapper: PartialFunction[Request[F], F[Response[F]]] = { case r @ POST -> Root => create case r @ PUT -> Root…
Boris Azanov
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