Questions tagged [overfitting-underfitting]

49 questions
4 answers

PolynomialFeatures and LinearRegression returns undesirable coefficients

import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures csv_path = os.path.join('',…
1 answer

LSTM for 30 classes, badly overfitting, cannot go over 76% test accuracy

How to classify job descriptions into their respective industries? I'm trying to classify text using LSTM, in particular converting job description Into industry categories, unfortunately the things I've tried so far Have only resulted in 76%…
0 answers

Why is my basic CNN model NOT overfitting segmentation image dataset?

I have a dataset of 2000x256x256x3 RGB images (of pink tissue containing purple/blue nuclei) and corresponding ground truth of size 200x256x256x1. The ground truth images are binary. Now, here is my model (Tensorflow version 1.x and Keras): def…
0 answers

Keras training problem - no overfit with a small number of data

I am new to Keras. I have a problem in training the defined model. It is hard to find the issue in my code. My implementation for a model on recommendation system data does not work correctly because there is no overfit. In my code, I wrote a custom…
2 answers

Validation loss goes up after some epoch transfer learning

My validation loss decreases at a good rate for the first 50 epoch but after that the validation loss stops decreasing for ten epoch after that. I'm using mobilenet and freezing the layers and adding my custom head. my custom head is as follows: def…
1 answer

How to fine tune using XGboost

I'm trying to get a generalized model for the Mercedes Greener Manufacturing dataset. So, I'm trying to achieve the same using XGBoost Regressor. I have used a loop ranging from 1-100 as the seed of the train test set so as to get better sampling. I…
0 answers

How effective is early stopping when the validation accuracy varies

I am building a time series model for future forecasting which consists of 2 BILSTM layers followed by a dense layer. I have a total of 120 products to forecast their values. And I have a relatively small dataset (Monthly data for a period of 2…
I. A
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1 answer

CNN + LSTM model for images performs poorly on validation data set

My training and loss curves look like below and yes, similar graphs have received comments like "Classic overfitting" and I get it. My model looks like below, input_shape_0 = keras.Input(shape=(3,100, 100, 1), name="img3") model =…
0 answers

Training loss not decreasing in detectron2

I am using detectron2 for training custom model for detecting layout of documents which includes class like ['header', 'title', 'text', 'form', 'footer', 'table', 'list', 'figure']. Loss is not decreasing after training of more than 15000…
1 answer

Data Leakage during categorical variable handling?

I am fairly new to machine learning. I came across the concept of Data Leakage. The article says that always split the data before performing preprocessing steps. My question is, do steps such as discretization, grouping categories to a single…
1 answer

what is C parameter in sklearn Logistic Regression?

What is the meaning of C parameter in sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression? How does it affect the decision boundary? Do high values of C make the decision boundary non-linear? How does overfitting look like for logistic regression if we…
0 answers

does sequence data makes the model to overfit on training data?

I am training a model for 3D object detection using kitti and waymo data set. Model works well on kitti(data is not sequenced, random data, randomly choosing the data). But on waymo, model is overfitting. Waymo data is a sequence data, so I am…
0 answers

Mse value for Lasso Regression

I am working on Lasso regression. I have 155 rows and 6 input columns in the dataset, so there is an overfitting problem in my last models(decision tree reg, SVR, rfr..). I tried lasso regression with k fold cross validation then I obtained these…
1 answer

Validation accuracy is getting lower than the training accuracy

This model is still training. And the Validation accuracy is getting lower than the training. This shows overfitting ? How I can overcome this ? I have used the MobileNet model. Can I do it by reducing the learning rate? Epoch 10/50 6539/6539…
1 answer

RNN/GRU Increasing validation loss but decreasing mean absolute error

I am new to deep learning and I try to implement an RNN (with 2 GRU layers). At first, the network seems to do it's job quite fine. However, I am currently trying to understand the loss and accuracy curve. I attached the pictures below. The…
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