Questions tagged [outlook-object-model]

The Outlook Object Model is the hierarchy of objects, methods and properties exposed by Outlook and available through VBA.

The Outlook Object Model is the hierarchy of objects, methods and properties exposed by Outlook and available through VBA.

Typically, Outlook.Application and Outlook.NameSpace are used to access folders and items within the Outlook Object Model.

The tag pertains to questions having to do with this hierarchy as well as its relationship with other Office object models. Typically this tag is used in tandem with other tags such as , , and .


67 questions
2 answers

How to connect to outlook 2010 while its running in c#?

What I am trying to do is add an "Email To..." button to a winform client that opens a new outlook mail window and attaches a file so the user can forward it. I can get the outlook integration working just fine if outlook is not already running.…
2 answers

No Application Quit event in Outlook?

I'm using the 12.0 Interop library, which is the default for Outlook 2007. I'm actually aiming for Outlook 2003 to 2010 integration with a code example that registers to a quit event. Even though the docs say that there is an application Quit event…
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Searching Global Address List/Book

I'm developing an app that will allow the user user to view the contents of an inbox that they have access to. I am having a difficult time trying to find a means of searching the Global Address List other then AddressEntries entries =…
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How can I access an Outlook message using a unique and stable identifier?

I'm building an application that analyzes Outlook email messages, stores the analyzed information, and later allows the user to open messages meeting certain criteria. I expected that I would extract the Message-ID from each email, store this in my…
Patrick Linskey
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Dynamically load and use COM object in C#

I have a C# project, where I would like to access MS outlook, if it is installed on a client´s machine. The "access outlook" part has been done by referencing the outlook COM object, and going from there. My problem is now the "if it is installed"…
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Change Outlook settings using VSTO

I have just spent about 4 hours trying to figure out how to retrieve/set outlook settings for Microsoft Outlook 2010 programmatically. What i mean by 'settings' is settings under the File/Options/Mail. What i am trying to do is to retrieve a list of…
Mo Patel
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1 answer

Outlook Object Model - Hooking to the Conversation Cleanup Feature

Outlook 2010 has a feature called Convesation Cleanup. This feature is implemented using the Conversation Header Outlook Object Model. I would like to hook to this call and perform an action when triggered, yet I can't figure out how to catch…
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1 answer

MAPIFolder deprecated so workaround for Outlook programming?

MSDN says this of the MAPIFolder interface (Outlook programming with WPF): This interface is deprecated; do not use this interface. Instead use the interface Folder to access all method, property, and event members of the COM object…
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Outlook Object Model - Detecting if email has been sent

I have the following code in my test Delphi 2006 BDS application: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); const olMailItem = 0; var Outlook: OleVariant; vMailItem: variant; begin Outlook := CreateOleObject('Outlook.Application'); …
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How can I determine if an Outlook folder is public?

I need a way to determine if an Outlook folder is public. I suspect there is some property Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook that will allow me to do it, but I can't find it.
2 answers

Application.ActiveInspector() is Null on Outlook Ribbon Load

Is it possible to access the ActiveInspector at the time of ribbon load. Application.ActiveInspector() returns proper value when I use custom form but does not for default contact form. I need the ActiveInspector to customize ribbon button depending…
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Outlook 2003 Addons

I want to create a custom Addon/plugin for Outlook 2003, to support integrated functionality with a task management system. I am unable to find many good development resources for the same. Can someone please explain Outlook 2003 architecure and…
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1 answer

Outlook COMException

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {0006F03A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80080005 Server execution failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80080005 (CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE)). Could any body…
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4 answers

How to add an embedded image to an HTML message in Outlook 2010

I have Office 2003 VBA code that uses the technique described here to embed an image in an HTML message using undocumented MAPI properties and CDO 1.21. CDO 1.21 is no longer supported, but according to MSDN, most of its functionality is now…
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1 answer

Show Outlook Advanced Find dialog from .NET

When using Outlook 2007 or 2010 you can bring up the Advanced Find dialog by pressing Crtl+Shift+F. I have performed advanced queries against Outlook contact items and calendar items, but would like to show Outlook's native dialog box for users to…
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