Questions tagged [osx-yosemite-beta]

OS X Yosemite (version 10.10) is a major release of OS X which will be released in late 2014.

OS X Yosemite (version 10.10) is a major release of OS X which will be realeased in late 2014.

48 questions
13 answers

Cocoapods with Xcode 6 and 10.10 Yosemite

After initially upgrading to 10.10 and XCode6-Beta, I tried to run 'pod update' and I received this error: cannot load such file -- xcodeproj/prebuilt/universal.x86_64-darwin14-2.0.0/xcodeproj_ext (LoadError) I tried to update Cocoapods using 'sudo…
Adam Fox
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6 answers

OSX Yosemite - JVM Shared library does not contain the JNI_CreateJavaVM symbol

Downloaded OS X Yosemite Beta 3 and I'm trying to run some eclipse based IDE's, namely Titanium Studio and Aptana Studio. Running into this error message when I try to start the apps. Didn't work on boot, so I downloaded JDK 1.8.0_40, still no…
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3 answers

How to detect dark mode in Yosemite to change the status bar menu icon

The status bar app icon has to be changed when dark mode is enabled in Yosemite. How to detect if dark mode has been enabled ? Is there any notification for the same ? Is it better to display another image or change the alpha value of existing…
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2 answers

Warning: spawn ENOENT Use with Grunt sass task

I recently downloaded OSX Yosemite and now grunt-contrib-sass is not working and I am getting the error: Running "sass:dist" (sass) task Warning: spawn ENOENT Use --force to continue. Aborted due to warnings. I'm not a grunt expert, do I need to…
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3 answers

Swift Bindings won't work Xcode 6 Beta 5

I'm doing a simple test program using bindings in Swift on OSX. Having an NSTableView, NSArrayController and a model class I try to hook them up together, but without success! The build compiles but gives instantly this error: Thread 1:…
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3 answers

Installing 'Compass' via the command line receive error "extconf failed, exit code 1"

Couldn't find an answer to this. Running OS X Yosemite Beta v2 When following compass install guide ensure that your gem is up-to-date gem update --system Then run gem install compass
Andrew M
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3 answers

Can't install Provisioning Profiles on iPhone (iOS 8 beta 4 / Xcode 6 Beta 4)

I can't install any of my iOS developer distribution or developer linked provisioning profiles onto my iPhone 5S running iOS beta 4 with Xcode beta 4 on OS X Yosemite dev preview 4. I have reinstalled iOS 8 with a restore, same for yosemite and…
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3 answers

Xcode 6 under yosemite crash

When i try to run any project on any DEVICE (not simulator) on any iOS in Xcode 6 (any version including 6.0.1 and all betas) under yosemite Xcode crashes right after "Build succeeded". the log shows: Application Specific…
Oleg Sherman
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2 answers

OS X Yosemite : Impossible to install cocoapods

I have ruby version : ruby 2.1.2p95 (2014-05-08 revision 45877) [x86_64-darwin13.0] When I try install cocoapods i get : $ sudo gem install cocoapods -V ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'cocoapods' (>= 0), here is why: Unable to…
Sancho Sanchez
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2 answers

Unable to install Cocoapods on Yosemite DP 7

I am having trouble installing Cocoapods on Yosemite DP 7 installed on a separate partition. I already attempted following the instructions found on Cocoapods with Xcode 6 and 10.10 Yosemite and in the…
7 answers

Can't get CocoaPods working

I installed CocoaPods and it says Successfully installed cocoapods-0.33.1, but whatever I would try to do with pod command, like pod install, I get the following console output: Max$ pod…
Maxim Chetrusca
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2 answers

Show ViewController on Extension info button Edit Mode

I am working on an Today Extension for Yosemite. I would like to show a SettingsViewController instead of going into edit mode. If I "presentViewControllerInWidget" on "widgetDidBeginEditing" it gets some weird glitches and the view controller is…
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1 answer

Reset Safari 8 in Yosemite to show Welcome/Splash screen again

Does anybody know how to reset Safari so the next time it opens it presents the welcome screen again as if it were launched for the first time in Yosemite? Previously you just deleted its preference file but that no longer works, ive deleted all…
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3 answers

An error occurred while installing pg (0.15.1), and Bundler cannot continue

I am fairly new to ruby and while going through the, I ran into an issue. When I attempt to bundle install my ruby application with 'bundle install --without production', I get: Fetching gem metadata from…
Bryan Saxon
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2 answers

Trouble with watir web driver after installing OS X Yosemite Beta

Just installed the Yosemite beta today. It doesn't break any of my (other) programs so far and looks nice, so I'm all for it. But just now I tried to run one of my ruby scripts that boots up a firefox window to do some automated activities (watir),…
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