Questions tagged [oracle-data-integrator]

Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is a data integration platform.

Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is a data integration software that can connect to a wide range of technologies as source or target. It can use both the E-T-L (Extract-Transform-Load) paradigm and the E-L-T (Extract-Load-Transform) paradigm. The second paradigm offers the advantage to avoid transiting through a staging area. It also push down the transformations to be done to the underlying technology as much as possible.

Further reading:

323 questions
1 answer

SSIS vs. Oracle Data Integrator

Currently I am a Data Engineer that works mainly with SSIS. While reading about the ETL tools available in the market, i found that Oracle has its own ETL tool called ODI (Oracle Data integrator). I searched for an unbiased comparison between the…
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XML model with ORACLE keyword as column not translated while reverse engineering

I'm using ODI to load XML files from a webservice into the database. The schema file (XSD) defines an element named "share". This is a keyword in oracle. When reverse engineering the XML model, ODI makes a column names "SHARE". Later when building…
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automated mapping in groovy for ODI with expression

this is my first question and I hope you can help me. I make a script in Groovy (in Oracle Data Integrator 12c) to automate mappings. Here is the description of my prodecure: 1 step: removing old mapping if exists. 2 step: looking for the project…
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ODI-1227: ActiveMQObjectMessage cannot be cast to javax.jms.BytesMessage

I'm trying to get (Oracle Data Integrator out of the XML from JMS queue, powered Apache ActiveMQ 5.8, but the following error: ODI-1227: Task LKM JMS XML to SQL (Load JMS to XML) fails on the source connection…
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Jython variable to Java Beanshell in ODI

I have the variable total_lines on a jython command that I needs to be accessed on the refreshing command of a ODI variable. with open('file.txt') as file_name: for total_lines, line in enumerate(file_name): pass print…
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Oracle Data Integrator Scalar Function Usage

I have a scalar function in my source database schema which I am using it to get balance of the specified account. NVL(MYGL.F_GET_LAST_ACC_BALANCE(ACCOUNTS.ACC_NO, TRUNC(SYSDATE), 1),0) In ODI mapping I would like to use this function to get…
Derviş Kayımbaşıoğlu
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How to run ODI Mapping in groovy script?

I have thousands of mappings created in ODI. I need to execute those, but executing them one by one doesn't seem to be a feasible option. I'm trying to write a groovy script that could fetch a list of all the mappings, iterate through each of the…
Curious Coder
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Can I call a global variable in source variable in ODI?

I am trying to build a ODI procedure, which will take schema name, db procedure name and parameters from a oracle database metadata table. The parameter field contains a name of a ODI global variable.The source command is like this SELECT…
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RCU.bat File Not Executing During Install of ODI

When installing Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) on a Windows 10 machine, the Studio installation is successful, however the rcu.bat script does not run and the repositories cannot be created. Upon double-clicking on the icon here is no…
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setting context in odi mapping objects

Due to project requirement we need to import the project mappings & other objects from a different server. But we found that all the mapping context becomes undefined. I am trying to write a groovy program to set the context at a bulk. I have…
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2 answers

How to call ODI Scenario from command line and wait for its execution

I'd like to call an ODI Scenario from command line and wait until its done. I am using ODI 12c and installed a standalone agent. I already found out that you can use the startscen.cmd command and it works for me. The only problem is that cmd is not…
2 answers

Read data from a flat file (Datastore) in an ODI procedure

I'm trying read a file from a PL/SQL procedure but I am geting ORA-00942 Table or view does not exist error. Caused by: Error : 942, Position : 21, Sql = SELECT UBIC_ID FROM LIST_UBICS , Error Msg = ORA-00942: table or view does not exist I have…
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Java ee agent for ODI

I've created a domain for my java ee agent using : I've also created an agent in odi studio, but when i try to test it it gives me the…
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Is there a way to recreate an ODI package using ODI Scenario?

I mistakenly deleted an ODI package from my project which is very large in size. Is there a way to recreate the same package if I have a previously exported scenario for the same project?
1 answer

Yellow Interface as Source Table in ODI using SDK

How to assign a temporary target datastore of a pre-existing yellow interface as the source table while creating an interface using ODI SDK? For a simple source table, the code would go as: OdiDataStore SourceDS =…
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