Questions tagged [openshift-3]

Redhat rolled out Openshift version 3 which is having a totally different architecture than its earlier version referred as 'Openshift' or 'Openshift V2'.

Please check the details here.

All the queries on Openshift V2 or earlier are commonly tagged as 'openshift'. However, the same is no longer valid for Openshift V3. While Openshift V2 and V3 would co-exist for some time, it is more appropriate to tag all V3 related queries under this tag (Openshift-3).

208 questions
1 answer

OpenShift 3 Java Mongodb

I am using openshift 3 with mongodb. I am using Spring data with mongodb. But I can not connect to mongodb on Openshift. I am using such code : MongoCredential credential = MongoCredential.createMongoCRCredential(USER, DB_NAME,…
Kovalsky Dmitryi
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0 answers

How to install .NetCore dotnet (not MSBuid plugin) to Jenkins

I was assigned to create CI/CD workflow for our project combining Openshift + Jenkins pipeline. I can build by using following: stage('build') { steps { script { openshift.withCluster() { …
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How to read a file on a remote server from openshift

I have an app (java, Spring boot) that runs in a container in openshift. The application needs to go to a third-party server to read the logs of another application. How can this be done? Can I mount the directory where the logs are stored to the…
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How to update the configmap data using parameters in openshift?

I have the following openshift template: kind: Template metadata: name: test-python annotations: tags: python,django iconClass: icon-python objects: - apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: war-config data: …
Rakesh Kotian
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Init container in openshift

I am new to openshift, I have gone through Openshift website for more details but wanted to know if anyone has deployed init container. I want to use that to take dump from database and restore it to new version of it with the help of init…
3 answers

How can I mount a file with the contents of key/value of a ConfigMap without clearing the folder?

I created a deploymentconfig.yml to deploy an app and a want to mount a file which contents are stored in a ConfigMap. When mounting, the files in the folder that is mounted are replaced. The goal though is to only add/remove/overwrite a specific…
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How to write jenkinsfile that will access openshift and run few commands

I am new to Jenkins, can someone help me to write Jenkinsfile that access openshift run few of commands, and return the report I know commands to run manually in open shift but don't know how to do in Jenkins
1 answer

Openshift CLI: Change .kube folder to different drive

I have Openshift CLI 3.11 installed on my machine, but my .kube folder is present on my H drive(network drive) which is not accessible due to some network problems as I'm away from my office and connected remotely . So whenever I try to login from…
Kiran Kumar
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0 answers

Binary build in OpenShift does not work but locally works

I have the following situation. I created a build in OpenShift: oc new-build --strategy docker --binary --docker-image centos:centos7 --name myapp And locally there is nothing fancy. I have a .war file and Dockerfile: FROM…
2 answers

OpenShift GoLang Template parsing error in oc.exe command prompt: Unexpected unclosed action in if

Please find the below script which I have used to fetch the running pods from openshift container oc get pods -o template --template {{range.items}}{{if eq .status.phase "Running"}}{{}}{{.status.phase}}{{end}}{{end}}
1 answer

openshift new-app does not respect --source-secret

The below command still prompts me for typing in username and password. I would expect it to start building without the prompt as i'm mentioning the source secret. oc new-app --strategy=docker…
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2 answers

PY3MQI. AMQ9627 when use sco.CertificateLabel and os user does not match certificate label user

Original issue: Hello! My MQ client version is Applications works in container, orchestra is Openshift 3.0. Cert reqs was created by the following command: runmqckm -certreq -create…
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1 answer

How to create a non-administrator user in openshift 3.11?

In OCP 3.11 (OKD), how can we create a non admin user? Are there any specific commands for it?
Raghav Gupta
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OpenShift deployment - pod console logs are truncated

we are using OpenShift container platform (v3.11) for hosting our java application. We are writing application logs to standard pod console. However when I try to view pod logs or try to save logs to file, I am not getting complete log file instead…
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1 answer

How to view previous wildfly server.log in openshift environment

Trying to identify the cause of restart of the wildfly application in a openshift POD: POD Describe shows no restart for the POD. oc logs xxx --previous does not find any entry. Wildfly log directory holds entry for the current server.log. I…
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