Questions tagged [openshift-3]

Redhat rolled out Openshift version 3 which is having a totally different architecture than its earlier version referred as 'Openshift' or 'Openshift V2'.

Please check the details here.

All the queries on Openshift V2 or earlier are commonly tagged as 'openshift'. However, the same is no longer valid for Openshift V3. While Openshift V2 and V3 would co-exist for some time, it is more appropriate to tag all V3 related queries under this tag (Openshift-3).

208 questions
2 answers

How to add a config file in a non-empty directory of an Openshift v3 application

I deployed a PHP+postgreqsl application (TinyTiny RSS, on the new Openshift v3. On initial access you create a config.php from the available template, which contains DB passwords etc. to enable tt-rss to…
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2 answers

List / browse files / directories in OpenShift 3

I want to see folder structure in OpenShift 3. Is it possible to ssh in? I see with rsync can copy in / out, but how to list content?
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1 answer

How to reach process.env.OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR in OpenShift?

Earlier in OpenShift Node.js app the process.env.OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR environment variable was available. No I migrated to OpenShift 3, and I get error. var apn = require('apn'); var optionsP = { token: { key:…
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1 answer

openshift 3 memory quota

I am using openshift 3 pro to mount an elasticsearch server (not ELK). to do this I'am using this image : -- only the elasticsearch part. After installing I am using elasticdump to add data from another…
1 answer

Openshift 3 WAR

In the Openshift 2 I had such a profile in a pom.xml file: openshift ${project.artifactId}
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How to know OpenShift 3 fetched latest source code?

Getting error when building Node.js, but it seems builder does not load source from `BitBucket. Pressing rebuild, but in first line it refers some old commit, why?
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trying to change admin password for openshift 3.11 cluster

I have set up an openshift 3.11 cluster and want to change the admin password. Below are the steps I have run. The final command to my understanding is supposed to apply the change but it prompts me to set the password again which I think is the…
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Where is Windows 32-bit installer for OpenShift CLI?

I'm trying to find an OpenShift CLI installer for Windows 32-bit. The only 32-bit installer I see is Linux. Please help! I am trying to deploy .war file onto an OpenShift server, but not able to because I can't find a 32-bit installer. Thank you! I…
1 answer

How to get require('http').createServer().listen(port).on('connect', fn) to work on Openshift 3 Online?

const http = require('http'); const server = http.createServer(...).listen(8080); server.on('connect', (req, cltSocket, head) => { console.log('This step will never be activated!'); ... if (...) { let srvSocket = net.connect('9999',…
Aero Wang
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1 answer

Dockerfile -Error: lsstat target/springbootdemo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar: no such file or directory

I have a spring boot project and trying to build the project with a Docker file on OpenShift V3. The problem is that I only have my source code in my git repo; no target directory or jar file. My Dockerfile is not able to get the final artifact…
1 answer

OpenShift3 "Container MYSQL is Crashing Frequently"

In openshift3 i am hosting Java application. i had created MYSQL and deleted and now i am trying to create MYSQL again but it is showing error "THE CONTAINER MYSQL IS CRASHING FREQUENTLY". I attached images for…
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1 answer

Openshift 3: Where are the log files and how to manage them?

I have a Openshift 3 starter app (python). Using the web console I can see my logs. Where is the actual file? After a while the file will be getting big and will needed to be deleted I assume. On Openshift 2 there was a "rhc tidy" command to clean…
fat fantasma
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2 answers

In OpenShift 3, how to run a docker image that requires root?

In OpenShift 3, how can deploy a docker image that requires root?
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