Questions tagged [open-with]

Most operating systems have an option when browsing the filesystem to open a specific file with an application that the user chooses. Of course, this means sending arguments to a program in one way or another, and that the programmer must add some way of recognizing these arguments and using them to process the data.

93 questions
2 answers

How to enable “Always use the selected program to open this kind of file” option in the open-with-dialog box?

How can I enable “Always use the selected program to open this kind of file” option in the Open With dialog box? I already checked the following registry entries: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer Value…
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C# Windows 'Open With >' Context menu behaviour

Possible Duplicate: Filetype association with application (C#) I'm writing a C# Windows app to visualise and modify '.build' files (nant scripts). I would like the user to be able to right click on a .build file in windows explorer and select the…
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iPhone - "Open In" in SDK?

The DropBox app lets you view a document in another app by selecting the Open In option. We are building a document management app and need to be able to view the Word/Excel docs like Dropbox does, in another app. Where in the SDK do I look so that…
Ian Vink
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Name program in the Open With... context menu

How can I customize the name of the program visible in the Open With... context menu in Windows XP and 7? For example: I have 3 versions of a product named XYZ installed on Windows; .x files are associated to xyz.exe (COM registration). All versions…
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How can I create a “Open with” list as in Explore in my own application

In my application the user can select reference to file, for example a image file. I would like to make button with a arrow that opens a list with the programs installed on the system witch can open this file type. I know that I can get the program…
Anders Pedersen
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Make .jmx file to open by default (double click on file) with jmeter GUI on windows 10

I'm trying to make my windows 10 to open .jmx file with jmeter GUI when I double click on it. I' using "apache-jmeter-3.2" and currently, in order to open a jmx file I am opening the jmeter jar "\apache-jmeter-3.2\bin\ApacheJMeter.jar" and then…
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How can I allow my program to open a file when "Open with" is used?

I have written a word processor in C#. I would like to allow my program to open files when the user right clicks the file and selects "open with" and selects my program. How can I implement such a feature to my program? Currently, the only way the…
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4 answers

How to get Application name to be displayed in open-with list?

This is a continuation of my question here. I am creating an open with list for the type *.bmp.As per the answers for that question,I have created a list of the applications in the open with list from the registry keys. public void…
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How to show my app in "Open with" list on android

I create a simple app with webview that can handle/open any URL. But the problem is that my app will not be shown in open with list when I click on any hyperlinks. As shown in above image I click on a hyperlink and it popup an open with list but my…
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Show system "open with" dialog when clicking file from electron application

In my Electron application I store links to local file paths. Now I would like the user to be able of opening such links using whatever application the operating system is configured for (or the usual "open with" dialog). Is this possible? Thanks
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Open With dialog does not remember newly added program

I use VS2010 every day, and like to sometimes open a c# file (or other file) in another Editor (my favorite Notepad++). So right-clicking on a file in 'Solution Explorer', and choosing Open With..., comes up with the Open With dialog. I add my…
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file default editor is changed `Eclipse`

I have an opened project in Eclipse. I have some special extensions like *.VW,*.RW and many. If I double click those files in Eclipse, it will automatically open in default eclipse text editor. Problem: Unfortunately, I have opened *.RW file with…
Mohamed Saligh
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2 answers

How can we implement an Open with Postman button to open a postman collection link sent from a third party react application?

I'm working with a react application and in that, I want to pass a postman collection link and open that postman collection in the postman web application. Is there any way I can try?
2 answers

Python: Get list of applications associated with file (Linux)

Am making an application in Python and I need to provide "Open with" menu to user. Currently I am parsing /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cashe and ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list but with very poor results. Nautilus has more entries in…
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in Emacs, how to open file in external program without errors?

I use the following code to direct Emacs to open PDF files using an external application: (require 'openwith) '(openwith-associations (quote (("\\.skim\\'" "open" (file)) ("\\.pdf\\'" "open" (file))))) (openwith-mode t) When I visit a PDF file, it…
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