Questions tagged [onfling]

The onFling method is the method detecting the Fling motion will catch a horizontal swipe, either from left to right, or from right to left. It is called when the user swipe on the screen and must return either true or false.

147 questions
1 answer

Trigger Gallery OnFling without GUI Input

How can you trigger an onFling() without the user actually touching the device? Actually my need is a little different than that. I have a horizontally-scrolling Gallery, and below that is a row of buttons. I want the user to be able to advance the…
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2 answers

How to ignore overlying views and detect onFling (onSwipe)?

I have a view with a lot of Childs. What I need is to implement reaction on Swipe or on Fling moves. Problem is that it only really works if I remove all Childs, otherwise Child views on the top of the main layout block my attempts to swipe. I tried…
Tuesday Four AM
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Are "swipe" and "fling" the same in iOS

I am very new to iOS, in Android developing, I understand the fling gesture, but I cannot find the fling in iOS but find swipe gesture, if I want to implement fling up and down, I need to add two UiSwipeGestureRecognizers and set the direction as…
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How to detect gestures on buttons inside Dialog in Android

I have tried to extend GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener class to detect gestures on Dialog, it worked for me but it does not detect single tap, on down, scroll, etc. events on any button, checkbox, radio button in the dialog, it's only…
1 answer

Google Maps fling event

Is there any way to disable fling gesture on google map (SupportMapFragment)? Or I need at least an event to detect when map scrolling ends after fling and to compute map camera location. Thanks.
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Track mouse position to create onfling gesture in javascript

What type of event can I use to track the mouse to create an onfling gesture in javascript?I have thought to something but nothing...
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Reproduce android's onfling event in javascript

I want to reproduce android's fling event in javascript.What I don't understand is what type of mathematical function I have to use.I know that I have to calculate how many pixels the mouse is been moved in a specific time and do the fling animation…
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Detecting Fling touch in App

I am Trying to implement a swipe touch to control the paddle in the app, I've managed to get the paddle move by detecting a single touch but I can't understand how to make a fling work. I've tried implementing ths solution by referring the official…
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Slide effect in onFling android

I've this code to swipe many images that i have in a string[] public class SlideShowUserImages extends ImageView implements TargetLoaded { private String[] urls; private int curPos = 0; private int imagesSize = 0; private GestureDetector…
2 answers

How to change images in imageview on fling

I have a relative layout which contains an image. I have like 10-20 images in drawable folder and a hashmap which stores these images. On swiping below the image from left to right, it should change to next image. On each swipe, it should change to…
0 answers

Android onFling() method not firing

I'm trying to create gesture recognition in my Android app that will respond to the fling gesture and change the view accordingly. A little background info: my activity consists of two side by side views in a Linear layout. The problem i'm having…
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GestureDetector working only on part of the activity

I have an activity that implements onGestureListener and I have some code in its onFling method. The xml layout I am using for this activity contains a Linear layout (vertical) wrapping a relative layout and a custom layout class. This custom layout…
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RecyclerView smoothScrollBy over scrolls the content with on fling gesture

Every time fling gesture is detected in Recycler View, I would like to smooth scroll right a value, usually it's a width of recycler view (getWidth of RecyclerView). The problem is that fling is usually detected with onTouchEvent which "drags" the…
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Button not clickable after onFling()

I want to be able to click and swipe on my Buttons. But once I implemented the onFling method, I am unable to click on the Buttons. Does anybody know how to fix this? Here is my code: protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { …
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2 answers

onFling and LinearLayouts

My Linear Layout: main_linear_layout contains four Linear Layouts: ll1 ll2 ll3 ll4. Each LinearLayout contains Buttons. I am trying to implement the onFling method on main_linear_layout. I want to be able to swipe anywhere on the Layout of Buttons…
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