Questions tagged [mupdf]

MuPDF is a lightweight, fast PDF and XPS viewer capable to run on multiple platforms, including Android and iOS. It also includes its own `fitz` rendering library.

MuPDF started its life somewhere in Scandinavia, but then it was adopted by the Ghostscript community. Since then it was nursed in the cradle of the Ghostscript developers and brought to life as a lightweight PDF viewer, meant as an alternative to Ghostscript. Recently it gained XPS viewing capabilities too.

It serves as the core for the popular lightweight and fast SumatraPDF viewer on Windows, but it is ported to many other platforms too (including Android and iOS).

In its core is its own fitz rendering library.

MuPDF's implementation of PDF-1.7 features is rather complete: it supports transparency, encryption, hyperlinks, annotations, searching and more.

From the 1.2 release of MuPDF, there is optional support for interactive features such as form filling, javascript and transitions.

License: AGPL v3 or commercial (from Artifex)

Sources: git clone git://

Contact: MuPDF developers hang out on IRC in the #mupdf channel on

332 questions
4 answers

Android : Is there any free PDF library for Android

I need a PDF library for manipulating a PDF documents, (creating PDF, image convertinng to PDF) and things like that but in Android. I tried the android itext port but the library project generates compile errors after I added it to my Project.…
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6 answers

Integrate MuPDF Reader in an app

I am working on some stuff that should be able to read PDF in my app and I want to put PDF view in my custom layout. I had preferred Android PDF Viewer but when I performed zoomIn, zoomOut it takes too much time. So currently I am supposed to use…
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1 answer

Is it possible to select text in zathura without the mouse?

It is kind of annoying to use the mouse every time I have to copy text from a PDF in zathura. I was wondering if it is possible to select and copy text in zathura similar to Vim's visual mode? I did a Google search but couldn't find anything. I use…
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2 answers

Replace all font glyphs in a PDF by converting them to outline shapes

I am looking for a way to 'outline' all text/fonts in a PDF file, i.e. convert them to curves. I would prefer to do this without having to convert the PDF to PostScript and back. Also, I would like to use free lightweight cross-platform tools that…
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7 answers

How do I resolve "No module named 'frontend'" error message?

I have installed PymuPDF/fitz because am trying to extract images from PDF files. However, upon running the code below, I am seeing No module named 'frontend'. doc = for i in range(len(doc)): for…
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2 answers

Using muPDF with curl/flip effect

I'm using muPDF for reading PDFs in my application. I don't like its default animation (Switching horizontally). In other side i found this brilliant library for curl effect on images, and this project for flip-flap effect on layouts. In curl sample…
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1 answer

Highlight text on a PDF

I have compiled MuPDF correctly and have been able to run the sample app without an issue, but: Problem I want to have a functionality like highlights,underlines, sticky notes, arrows, lines, ovals, rectangles, freehand drawings and text boxes on…
Chirag Patel
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1 answer

Proguard issue for mupdf library

My application is running well until I'm trying to build the release version. I got the following error message: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: no field with name='globals' signature='J' in class Lcom/artifex/mupdfdemo/MuPDFCore; Apparently the…
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1 answer

How to implement Page Curl in MuPDF

I have two libraries one is MuPDF to view PDF files in android and second is pageCurl to implement the page curl effect, but it works for bitmaps. Now, I have no idea how can i integrate both of these to get page curl effect in PDF files, opened by…
Ali Imran
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1 answer

is MuPdf library faster than xpdf/poppler at rendering images from pdf pages?

Is MuPdf library faster at rendering images from pdf pages than xpdf/poppler? They say it is high-performance.
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3 answers

Android PDF Rendering

I would like to render/open PDF file (stored in SDCard) in Android without using in-build application or viewer. 1) We have tried MuPDF open source library but rendering using this library is very slow. 2) Can we use iText library for rendering PDF…
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5 answers

Android PDF Viewer Library or muPDF library tutorials

I'm trying to read pdf files in my android application. I don't want to use the default pdf reader and simply open a new intent because I need my own GUI, and want to use the first page as a cover. Therefore I need to make my own pdf reader. I did…
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2 answers

Android MuPDF Error

Im adding MUPDF to android app doing : (1) (2) when i try to do : Intent intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), ChoosePDFActivity.class); startActivity(intent); I get this : 07-19…
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1 answer

MuPdf Android JNI library is very large

As described here ( we're facing the problem that the JNI library that is part of the MuPdf Android demo is really large. In this case, this affects the size of the Document Viewer app…
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2 answers

How to integrate MuPDF in iOS project

How can I integrate the mupdf library into an existing iOS project? I can run the provided source on my device and simulator, but I can't seem to manage to add it to my project correctly. I tried linking and importing the compiled static libraries…
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