Questions tagged [omniorb]

omniORB is a Free CORBA ORB for C++ and Python. It is largely CORBA 2.6 compliant and one of only three ORBs to have been awarded the Open Group's Open Brand for CORBA. This means that omniORB has been tested and certified CORBA compliant, to version 2.1 of the CORBA specification.

omniORB is a robust high performance CORBA ORB for C++ and Python. It is freely available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (for the libraries), and GNU General Public License (for the tools). omniORB is largely CORBA 2.6 compliant.

omniORB is one of only three ORBs to have been awarded the Open Group's Open Brand for CORBA. This means that omniORB has been tested and certified CORBA compliant, to version 2.1 of the CORBA specification. You can find out more about the branding program at the Open Group.

You might want to read more about the history of omniORB, or see a summary of omniORB's features. On the Wiki page, you can see a list of people and organisations using omniORB, and add yourself to the list.
The above text has been copied from the omniORB-homepage at

62 questions
1 answer

How to connect to Corba server via ssh tunnel using Omniorb on Python

I've got some Python code that uses Omniorb to connect to a corba server, and it all works fine. Now I'd like to be able to connect to a server behind a firewall by creating an ssh tunnel, but it's not working. As far as I can tell from wireshark…
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How to get and set a class field in CORBA? (dealing with sequences of CORBA objects)

I have sth like this: User.idl: #ifndef __USER_IDL__ #define __USER_IDL__ interface Group; interface User { typedef sequence Groups; Groups getGroups(); void setGroups(in Groups g); }; #endif UserImpl.h and UserImpl.cpp: class…
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Easy way to append CORBA sequences using C++

I'm using omniORB and C++. In my application i get few small CORBA sequences form different modules and then I need to combine them to one big sequence for further processing. Is there easy way do this? Something like seq2.append(seq1) or…
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How to install omniORB for python3?

I could get omniORB running in python2.7 by just executing the configure script. ubuntu@ubuntu:/usr/local/bin$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ubuntu@ubuntu:/usr/local/bin$ python2 Python 2.7.12 (default, Dec 4 2017,…
Marvin Noll
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2 answers

PHP extension CORBA client with omniORB libraries gives runtime error with "undefined symbol "

We are trying to create a PHP extension in C++ that will operate as a CORBA client. The server side is written in Java. Our runtime environment is CentOS 6.6. We have used omniORB to compile the IDL and create the C++ skeleton code for the client.…
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CORBA IDL to C++ - char vs. unsigned char?

We're using OmniORB with our C++ server. Currently, when an object is specified as a char in the IDL file, it is translated to an unsigned char in C++. We want it to be just char. Is there something we can change to make this happen?
Jesse Jashinsky
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How to install omniORB on Windows?

I installed Python and MinGW, added everything which is needed to PATH (g++ and python), and downloaded omniORB from, unzipped it. I cded to omniORB…
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_ptr or _var - which one use as a class field and why?

I have a class: class Impl1 : public POA_I1 { private : Impl2_var ob; public : Impl2_ptr get(); { return ob; } void set(::Impl2_ptr ob) { this->ob = ob; …
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Orber (Erlang ORB) not able to catch user defined exceptions when thrown by TAO orb

I have a C++ CORBA server which implements an interface throwing a user defined exception. I am easily able to catch the specific exception when client and server are both implemented in C++ (tested using both TAO orb and omniORB). But when I…
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Python: Installing OmniOrbpy in Windows64(Windows 7) environment

I'd like to experiment with a Python (v2.7) app accessing a CORBA API, but I keep going around in circles about which OmniOrb pieces are necessary and where they should be placed. I've downloaded omniORBpy-4.2.0-win64-py27 which I thought should…
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resolve_initial_references causes a SystemException

We use an ActiveX control in our client, developed with Visual C++ 6.0, in our application. We also use omniORB 2.7 to provide the connection to the server app. It's been working fine; but right now we need to run this application on a Windows 7,…
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CORBA Client/Server application, getting info from server (null values)

I created a simple application in Java and C++ in CORBA, client-server app, take a look: interface Task { string getThingToDo(); }; #include "Task.idl" interface Employee { typedef sequence tasks; string getLastname(); Task…
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2 answers

Has anyone ever built omniORB on RHEL?

I am trying to build omniORB libraries on RHEL 5.5. I tried running configure with CC=gcc and CXX=g++ and PYTHON=bin/omnipython I run into this problem where it complains about gmake[3]: Entering directory…
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IDL interface, C++, CORBA, I'm dealing with "conflicting return type specified for" and "invalid abstract return type for member function ‘virtual..."

For over 3 days I've been dealing with CORBA and C++ and my app interface written in IDL. My app interface looks like this: #ifndef __FORUM_INTERFACE_IDL__ #define __FORUM_INTERFACE_IDL__ #include "Forum.idl" typedef sequence
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org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST when trying to get the root naming context "NameService"

I'm trying to create a java client/server application that uses CORBA to interact. I followed this example and was able to get it to work using the 'Java IDL Object Request Broker Daemon, orbd'. But when I change the server to point at our local…
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