Questions tagged [omnifaces]

OmniFaces is a library for JSF 2.x that focusses on utilities that ease everyday tasks.

OmniFaces is a library for JSF 2.x that focuses on utilities that ease everyday tasks.

OmniFaces stands out from other JSF libraries like PrimeFaces or RichFaces in the fact that it isn't just about components, but instead it focuses on providing utility classes and functions for working with the JSF and Servlet APIs.

Some of its capabilities include:


591 questions
3 answers

PrimeFaces PickList with OmniFaces validateAll leads to NullPointerException

What I actually want is two PrimeFaces s that get validated with OmniFaces' component. Note, that validating a pickList with has a problem, which can be solved as described in issue 488 in the OmniFaces…
Martin Höller
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1 answer

Why does behave different than other validators?

I use OmniFaces' validator to validate a number of input components. This works fine as long as I do not put it into a RichFaces . When I do this and leave fields blank, validation fails (as expected), but the active…
Martin Höller
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1 answer

XML shown as plain text after ajax redirect on security constraint in WildFly

I've got this weird problem with ajax redirect on a security constraint: When an ajax call is made (by clicking on a sortable p:dataTable column or when a p:poll triggers) on a role-secured page after my session timed out, a…
Xavier Dury
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1 answer

EJB and CDI inject points in @FacesValidator and @FacesConverter fail to work by means of OmniFaces in newer versions of JSF

I was using, Mojarra 2.3.0-m01 OmniFaces 2.0. PrimeFaces 5.1 final PrimeFaces Extension 3.0.0 GlassFish Server 4.1 And other Java EE artifacts. Injection points in @FacesValidator like as follows, @FacesValidator(value="testValidator") public…
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1 answer

Injecting @EJB in OmniFaces @Eager bean causes "Severe: No valid EE environment for injection of org.omnifaces.cdi.eager.EagerBeansRepository"

Using @ApplicationScoped @Named @Eager, my @EJB-injected @Stateless beans are not properly instantiated and evaluate to null. I had an @ApplicationScoped @ManagedBean(eager=true) that was used to schedule a few jobs. Some @Stateless beans were…
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1 answer

WELD-001519 An InjectionTarget implementation is created for an abstract class 'xxx'. It will not be possible to produce instances of this type

I'm running an application in the following environment. GlassFish Server 4.0 Mojarra 2.2.4 PrimeFaces 4.0 final PrimeFaces Extension 1.1.0 OmniFaces 1.6.3 After adding OmniFaces, the following warnings appear on the server terminal. WARNING: …
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1 answer

BeanManager on Apache Tomcat 7.0.47 cannot create resource instance

running on: Apache Tomcat 7.0.47 OmniFaces 1.6.3 JSF Mojarra 2.1.26 CDI Weld 2.1.0.Final Threre is an RuntimeException on Apache Tomcat 7.0.47 by accessing JNDI "java:comp/BeanManager". The CDI BenManager is bound to "java:comp/env/BeanManager" vut…
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1 answer

How to use OmniFaces 1.6 in two WARs in one EAR?

JBoss 7.1, OmniFaces 1.6, Eclipse Kepler, CDI 1.0 I have found the following situation with new Omnifaces 1.6, when I updated from OmniFaces 1.5 to OmniFaces 1.6. I suppose it has something to do with new interesting CDI features of OmniFaces 1.6. I…
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2 answers

I need to delay the display of a Primefaces AJAX Status dialog by X milliseconds

I need to delay the display of a Primefaces AJAX Status dialog by X milliseconds but OmniFaces ExceptionHandler reacts badly to javascript timeout solution. Here's what I got so far:
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1 answer

Is OmniFaces compatible with JSF 2.2?

As the questions states, is OmniFaces compatible with JSF 2.2? Will it have dependencies only on JSF or other Java EE dependencies as well? I.e. will it be able to run just with Tomcat + JSF?
Ioannis Deligiannis
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3 answers

The attribute list is not defined in o:converter (Netbeans 7.3)

I'm trying to use the new org.omnifaces.converter.ListConverter in a primefaces picklist. I added the new dependency in my project with maven and rebuilt the project in order to download the jar file:
Eric C.
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1 answer

Can I use omnifaces generic converter in primefaces autocomplete component?

I am trying to use Omnifaces generic Converter in Primefaces autocomplete component Like this :
Samy Omar
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1 answer

Get rid of ;jsessionid=xxx path parameter in URL when using h:button

I'm using OmniFaces FullAjaxExceptionHandler in Tomcat7 and JSF 2.1 to handle the ViewExpiredException. I've setup the same error pages as OmniFaces showcase. Look here for error pages and here for template. It works fine. When the session is…
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2 answers

JSF scroll bar at the top of the page

I was wondering how to make the scroll bar of the browser. go to top of page. I am developing a registration screen that is too big, and it contains some fields that are needed. It displayed an error message to the user if the required fields are…
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2 answers

Validate a group of fields as required when at least one of them is filled

In a basic registration screen (with button register records the screen) there are two panels: Data panel: Address panel: I can register by completing only the Data panel. It is not necessary to fill the Address panel. However, if at least one…
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