Questions tagged [oledbcommand]

Represents an SQL statement or stored procedure to execute against a data source using OLE DB provider.

417 questions
4 answers

Why does a LIKE query in Access not return any records?

Is there any reason why SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE [_Items] LIKE '*SPI*' does not return any records with OleDbAdapter.Fill(DataSet) or OleDbCommand.ExecuteReader()? When I run the same SQL in MS Access directly, it returns the expected records.…
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3 answers

Why the "Non" in "ExecuteNonQuery"?

I know this is not a hell of an useful question but I can't help being bugged by it. So, Why said method (in *Command classes) is called ExecuteNonQuery instead of ExecuteQuery? Aren't those SQL statements we throw at DBs, queries?
Camilo Martin
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2 answers

OleDbParameters and Parameter Names

I have an SQL statement that I'm executing through OleDb, the statement is something like this: INSERT INTO mytable (name, dept) VALUES (@name, @dept); I'm adding parameters to the OleDbCommand like this: OleDbCommand Command = new…
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4 answers

SSIS return value of Stored Procedure within an OLE DB Command

I am migrating data that has to be inserted using stored procedures which already exist. The stored procedures have parameters and a return value (from a select statement) of an id for the row inserted. Within an OLE DB Command in SSIS, I can call…
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2 answers

How to use SQL user defined functions in .NET?

I created a scalar function in the DB SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_GetUserId_Username] ( @Username varchar(32) ) RETURNS int AS BEGIN DECLARE @UserId int SELECT @UserId = UserId…
Shimmy Weitzhandler
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2 answers

Alias parameters in SSIS

I am using an OLE DB command in SSIS for which the SQL command looks like this: UPDATE DBO.CLIENT SET TimeZoneID = ?, DaylightSavingTime = ?, ModifiedBy = ?, MicrosPropertyID = ?, IsOffline = ?, …
Raj More
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1 answer

Update a row in oracle using OLEDB command(SSIS)

I am trying to update some rows in an oracle Database, using an OLEDB Command but whenever i try specifying the Sql Command this is what i get An OLEDB record is available. Source: "OraOLEDB" Hresult:0x80040E51 Description: "Provider cannot derive…
Brian Paul
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8 answers

insert into access database

i have trouble inserting data from textbox into ms access database, I get an error "Syntax error in INSERT INTO." Can someone help me out please? here's the code: public void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//save { using…
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2 answers

Export into excel file without headers c# using Oledb

I'm using OleDB and I want to export my objects into excel table. Each row in the sheet will be one of my objects. The problem is that I don't know how to insert data when there's no column headers in the sheet. This one: commandString = "Insert…
Dimitar Tsonev
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3 answers

Is order of parameters for database Command object really important?

I was debugging a database operation code and I found that proper UPDATE was never happening though the code never failed as such. This is the code: condb.Open(); OleDbCommand dbcom = new OleDbCommand("UPDATE Word SET…
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1 answer

OleDbDataReader skips first record

I have the following code : OleDbDataReader xlsReader = new OleDbCommand("Select * from [" +spreadSheetName + "]", xlsFileConnection). ExecuteReader(); In the spreadSheetName parameter i keep my file name. The connection…
Vladislav Furdak
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6 answers

Undefined function 'Replace' in expression , Replace alternative?

as read in this question : Undefined function 'Replace' in expression , I'm getting the error "Undefined function 'Replace' in expression" because "you aren't using the Access query engine at all", but what do I use as an alternative ? Apparantly…
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2 answers

Stored Proc returns a Cursor, how to handle this using OLEDB in C#

I am using OLEDB driver to call a Stored Procedure in Oracle DB. The Stored Proc returns a cursor as the output. I am able to call this Stored Proc using Oracle Data Source (System.Data.Oracle.OracleCommand), However I do not know how to call this…
4 answers

Error in executing an OleDbCommand.. "Must declare the scalar variable "@MaxID"."

private void AddValue(string strValue) { //get the maximum id for Lists first int MaxID = DataOperations.ReturnMaxIDInATable("Lists", connString); int iSqlStatus = 0; string query = "INSERT INTO Lists(ID, ListName,…
Rej Maranan
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1 answer

Which SSIS executable is best practise to use for delete command

I have 2 DB's on same SQL 2016 std. server. I need to delete Prod table data that matches ID's in the Arh DB table. I am doing this in batches of 10000 rows. Table's on Prod and Arh DB are with same schema. I need to delete a large amount of data…
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