Questions tagged [office-2016]

144 questions
2 answers

Upgrading to Office 2016 Reference Error: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Visual Studio 2015 is giving me an error stating that the "Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found." I just started getting this error after upgrading to Office…
Fly Guy
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Access 2016 sizable form borders too narrow under Windows 10

I don't know if this is a general problem with Office 2016, or if it is specific to Windows 10 users, but I find that sizable MDI forms in Access 2016 have a single-pixel border that is very hard to grab with the mouse. The form borders show as a…
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Excel Add In - Where does console.log output it's message - NodeJS

I am trying to create an Excel AddIn with JavaScript API. But I don't understand where "console.log" outputs their messages. All Microsoft documentations are full with console.log examples, but it is not explained where console.log() outputs the…
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Export Excel print area as an image

I have an Excel file (xlsm) and I would like to export the print area (in full size) as an image (png or any other picture file format). I have a VBA macro, that worked fine on several PC’s in Excel 2013, but since we work with Excel 2016 it only…
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'FileDialog' type is not defined in MS Access

In Access 2016, I wish to display the File Open dialog, allowing users to select a CSV file to import. However, an error is being generated in relation to the line Dim FD as Office.FileDialog - Compile error: User-defined type not defined The…
David Gard
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Office.js: How can I debug ExecuteFunction commands

I have a command button on a custom ribbon in Excel with an action of type ExecuteFunction which calls a global javascript function in a function file I point to. Everything works as expected when running things locally, but when I run the same code…
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MailItem.GetInspector.WordEditor in Office 2016 generates Application-defined or object defined error

I wrote an Excel macro to send email from a spreadsheet. It works on Office 2013, but not Office 2016. I looked at the VBA differences between Office 2013 and 2016, but couldn't see anything about changes to the inspector or word editor for message…
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Office 2016 share button IdMso

I'm trying to disable the new share button on the top right corner of the Office 2016 apps. Does anyone know the correspondent IdMso? I've tried to locate the IdMso tables but I only find tables for the previous versions of Office.
2 answers

Save email body to Word document

My goal is copy and past body of active email from Outlook to the MS Word, and save Word to specified destination. Code Dim objMail as Outlook.MailItem Dim objWord As Object Dim objDocument As Object Dim objFSO As Object Dim objTextStream As…
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How to programmatically wrap a QueryTable in a ListObject?

Historically external data queries in Excel were expressed with QueryTables. ListObjects appeared at some point, but they were not yet compatible with QueryTables and could not contain them. In Office 2007 they became not only compatible, but the…
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1 answer

Keep Outlook 2016 Task Pane open when switching emails

I have a custom task pane for Outlook 2016 written in JavaScript and HTML. I am currently calling an API and passing the email address to get some data back. I then display this data in the Task Pane inside Outlook. After searching for a solution…
Samuel Pearsall
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Create Task Pane Office Add-In for Outlook 2016

I am trying to create an add-in for Outlook 2016. In previous versions of Office, this was done using a WinForms UserControl and was fairly simple. However, there are now universal templates in Visual Studio 2015 for an Office Add In, which I would…
Samuel Pearsall
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Excel 2013 Pivot table won't change current page until navigated to manually

We have a little piece of VBA code that worked perfectly for ages. It was essentially: Me.PivotTables("APivot").PivotFields("AField").CurrentPage = "Some text" This worked until Excel 2013, where the line would fail with an unspecific…
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Experiencing a ~10s delay when closing Excel or Word 2016 after using an ElementHost in my vsto code, how to a avoid it programmatically?

I'm developing a VSTO add-in for PowerPoint, Excel and Word. It has some Windows and Custom Task Panes that use winforms. I've noticed that if add an ElementHost to one of these forms component and display it at least once, I will experience a 5 to…
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1 answer

Form.Show() doesn't work for 1 specific computer

I am developping an Excel addin in C#. This addin contains panels with some buttons to open hovering Forms. I have been notified that this feature doesn't work anymore with one computer in my company. It uses Excel Office 2016 to the latest…
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