Questions tagged [odbc]

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) provides a standard software interface for accessing database management systems (DBMS).

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a standard C programming language middleware API for accessing database management systems (DBMS). The designers of ODBC aimed to make it independent of database systems and operating systems; an application written using ODBC can be ported to other platforms, both on the client and server side, with few changes to the data access code.

ODBC accomplishes DBMS independence by using an ODBC driver as a translation layer between the application and the DBMS. The application uses ODBC functions through an ODBC driver manager with which it is linked, and the driver passes the query to the DBMS.

An ODBC driver can be thought of as analogous to a printer or other driver, providing a standard set of functions for the application to use, and implementing DBMS-specific functionality. An application that can use ODBC is referred to as "ODBC-compliant".

Any ODBC-compliant application can access any DBMS for which a driver is installed. Drivers exist for all major DBMSs, many other data sources like address book systems and Microsoft Excel, and even for text or CSV files.

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8564 questions
1 answer

Netezza, NodeJS and unixODBC interesting error

I've tested my DSN for Netezza with isql and it works fine. I also created a DSN for MySQL to test. If I use the MySQL DSN, in my nodejs file, it will connect and I can query the mysql database. But as soon as I try to use my Netezza DSN I get an…
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jdbc connectivity error with hive2

I am trying to test connectivity to hive2 using jdbc. But i am getting an authentication failled error where the credentials are correct. The error I get is: java -cp .:/users/apps/ewbeiu/wbeeappp/HiveJdbcClient/* HiveJdbcClient SLF4J: Failed to…
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C#.NET Application throwing ODBC Driver Mismatch Error when running on 64-bit environment

All, I inherited a C#.Net project that I'm working on making some updates to. Everything seems to work fine on my local workstation using Visual Studio Professional 2012, Windows 7 - 32 bit (I know..). When I push it up to my test server(Windows 7,…
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Protocol issue connecting Derby by db2 ODBC

This is a problem when I tried to connect Derby Database by DB2 ODBC I started the Derby Network Server and created a database named "mydb" but,after I did as the steps described in an article on IBM's site,I countered a problem on the server…
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2 answers

tsql connects to ODBC but Perl DBI gets an error

Client is Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS talking to an MS SQL Server 2005. Ubuntu has no registered domain. It's inside the local network as is the MS SQL Server. Perl 5.18.2 using DBI 1.63 and DBD::ODBC 1.52. Installed FreeTDS 0.92 (with TDS v4.2) and…
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Don't understand why DbProviderFactories.GetFactory is returning NULL

In my C# application, I have roughly the following code: In App.Config: In My Code: static DbConnection…
John Bustos
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Using Crystal Reports and Upgrading to SQL Server 2014 ODBC Connection Issues

Qualifying information: we use Crystal Reports 8.5 and our current application is written in VB6. Our original database was SQL Server 2005 and currently we run on SQL Server 2012, however are set to the 2005 compatibility level (level 90). We…
1 answer

MySQL: how to get the list of tables using ODBC

I am connecting to a MySQL DB trough a terminal who only have a program with an ODBC connection to a MySQL DB. I can put querys in the program, but not access MySQL directly. I there a way to query the DB to obtain the list of tables?
Eduardo Molteni
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Let's say that I've created two different program executables, e.g. in C++. For some reason, the two programs internals representation of text are different from each other. Let's say the first program is using text representation A and the other…
Michael S.
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SAS Connection to DB2 Via ODBC Error

I have been working in SAS connecting to DB2 via ODBC for a while now and this PROC SQL step generally works: proc sql; connect to odbc(dsn=DSQ user="UserID" password="Password"); execute (set current degree = 'ANY' ) by ODBC; create table…
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1 answer

Oracle Cursor and JDBC ODBC

I have some procedures to execute in the database that has an OUT REFCURSOR parameter. When I am connecting with the JDBC thin client, everything works fine. However, if I were to change the connection string to refer to the ODBC data source…
1 answer

Null value SQL Warning becoming error with PHP ODBC Prepare

I currently have a SQL query that checks whether 80% of the data for a certain asset (asset I'm checking is traffic counters) is available, and depending on the results, returns the result or null. (Please note that the number of data points varies…
Pretty Cool
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Error binding table-valued parameter while using ODBC, c++

I am attempting to pass a table-valued parameter as a parameter in a stored procedure using ODBC. I have followed examples from MSDN, but receive the following error when I call SQLBindParameter: HY004 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid…
0 answers

Ruby: Unicode issues with DBI gem

Why would a unicode encoding get lost when sending it to an ODBC-interface via the dbi-gem? We wrote an sinatra-application that connects via DBI to an SAP HANA database. The latter shouldn't matter as I can manually execute Statements with UTF8…
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odbc_fetch_array not observing AS

I am using ODBC to connect to MS SQL server from PHP (5.5). Development is done on Windows 8.1, while production is CentOS 7. CentOS uses UnixODBC. Connection works fine on both system, with the exception of AS not being observed on the Linux…
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