Questions tagged [nvidia-jetson-nano]

For questions specific to programming the NVIDIA "Jetson Nano" device. When using this tag also include the more generic [nvidia-jetson] tag. Please also tag the language you are coding in and the framework you are using for context.

178 questions
2 answers

ERROR: Could not build wheels for opencv-python which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly

I was trying to install OpenCV4 in a docker on jetson nano. It has jetpack 4.4 s os. The docker was successfully created and Tensorflow is running but while installing OpenCV using pip it is showing CMake error. root@5abf405fb92d:~# pip3 install…
Kasi Viswanath
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TF-TRT vs UFF-TensorRT

I found that we can optimize the Tensorflow model in several ways. If I am mistaken, please tell me. 1- Using TF-TRT, This API developer by tensorflow and integreted TensoRT to Tensorflow and this API called as : from…
0 answers

Raspberry pi camera on jetson nano wont work

Im using raspberry pi camera v2 on jetson nano. It works fine using gstreamer with python but trying to run it through javascrip wont work. This is some of my approaches: APPROACH 1: With navigator:
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Illegal instruction(core dumped) error on Jetson Nano

Sorry if my description is long and boring but I want to give you most important details to solve my problem. Recently I bought a Jetson Nano Developer Kit with 4Gb of RAM, finally!, and in order to get, which I consider, the best configuration for…
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Flashing custom Yocto image to Jetson Nano production module eMMC?

I'm building a yocto image to run on the Jetson Nano. Right now I'm working on a Jetson Nano devkit which boots from the SD-card, and the flashing is described on the meta-tegra GitHub repo wiki. It doesn't say how to flash onto the eMMC on the…
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How do i patch in yocto?

I am attempting to build an image for the jetson-nano using yocto poky-warrior and meta-tegra warrior-l4t-r32.2 layer. I've been following this thread because he had the same problem as me, and the answer on that thread fixed it, but then a new…
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Im trying to build mediapipe on my jetson nano

So Im trying to build a mediapipe whl file for my jetson nano by following this guide I am successful on building it with my raspberry pi 4. By the way this github repo also provides a whl file…
1 answer

Access Micropython REPL on UART(0) not USB

Background I'm working on a robotics project that requires using an ESP8266 based board (Lolin D1 mini pro v2) as a microcontroller. I have Micropython on this board along with a set of functions that I have to be able to call from an Nvidia Jetson…
0 answers

Raspi v2 camera is not working with v4l2src

Environment :- Raspi v2 camera, Jetson nano board, Ubuntu 18.04 I started with nvarguscamerasrc and it's working :- gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor_mode=0 ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),width=3820, height=2464, framerate=21/1, format=NV12'!…
1 answer

OpenCV VideoCapture() doesn't work - Ubuntu

OpenCV 4.5 - Ubuntu - Jetson Nano 2GB Hello I have a problem with getting video from my webcam (connected by USB to JetsonNano) by OpenCV Here's my code: // cv::VideoCapture cap( ... ); cv::Mat frame; if (!cap.isOpened()) // if not…
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Jupyter Password Not Hashed

When I try to set up the jupyter notebook password, I don't get a password hash when I open up the jupyter_notebook_config.json file. This is the output of the json file: { "NotebookApp": { "password": …
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Is ffmpeg support GPU acceleration on Jetson platform?

I want to run ZoneMinder on Jetson nano as an IP CAM server, but it seems that Jetson nano can not handle many cams which are using ffmpeg decode, if I open three cams on ZoneMinder, CPU usage is always 100%, but GPU usage is 0%, and I can not open…
0 answers

How to wake up Nvidia Jetson TX2 from suspend mode?

Every time I put it in suspend, I have to restart it. I tried clicking keyboard and mouse buttons, but no luck. I also tried pressing reset, power and recovery button on the device. Power just restarts the device instead of recovering from the…
Sachin Mohan
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1 answer

Issue installing OpenCV 4.1.2 on Jetson Nano. import cv2, No module named 'cv2'

I installed OpenCV 4.1.2 from source with CUDA support. Had no issues. and created a symbolic link from OpenCV’s installation directory to my virtualenv ln -s /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cv2/python3.6/…
2 answers

How do I convert a tensorflow model into a TensorRT optimized model using trt.TrtGraphConverterV2 (or other suggestion)?

I am stuck with a problem regarding TensorRT and Tensorflow. I am using a NVIDIA jetson nano and I try to convert simple Tensorflow models into TensorRT optimized models. I am using tensorflow 2.1.0 and python 3.6.9. I try to use utilize t.his code…
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