Questions tagged [nssm]

NSSM - the Non-Sucking Service Manager for Windows.

120 questions
0 answers

Python 2 executable as Windows Service

My application periodically checks a log file for changes. If changes are found, it updates a webpage (via websockets). If no changes are found, nothing happens. When I run the application in the console, it works exactly as desired. I've used…
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Issue with service when created using nssm

"C:\sample\nssm.exe" install testService "C:\sample\java.exe" -Djava.library.path=C:\sample\openjava.dll -Dorg.dcm4che3.imageio.codec.ImageReaderFactory=file:///C:\sample\ -jar sampletest.jar "%~dp0bin\nssm.exe" set testService …
0 answers

windows service issue to run a script 24/7

I have a python script with below pseudo code: def runcode(): mintorun = [5,35] last_run = None while True: thisminute = if (thisminute in minutetorun) and (thisminute != last_run): *execute…
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NSSM windows service shows running but output is not visible

I have a python execute files which runs every 5th minute and 35th minute of every hour. The script contains below code to run the content inside (itcmodel) minutetorun = [5,35] while True: thisminute =…
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node nssm http-server...service won't start

I have successfully used nssm to create a node service that runs in the background. I have done this, however, with .js files where you set the path to node.exe, then set the startup directory, then set the .js file you want to run in the…
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NSSM not running batch Node-RED

I'm using NSSM and did make this bat file cd "C:\" node-red This batfile is located in the C:\ drive just for testing In nssm its setup like this: Path C:\Node-red-Start.bat Startup dir C:\ Arguments EMPTY well when starting i get an error, but…
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Passing args to Windows Application Driver that run as a Windows service

I would like to pass args that IP address and port number to Windows Application Driver (WinAppDriver) that run as a Windows Service. I've succeeded create service and running with nssm. But unable to pass arguments. Also I tried pass args from…
0 answers

How to run a Pyinstaller compiled exe with NSSM

I used Pyinstaller to make a exe. The exe works perfectly fine but when I use NSSM to launch it on startup, the scripts runs but does nothing from the part where it is supposed to take an input from user. I also tried moving that part of code to a…
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InfluxDB 1.8.3-1 as service on Windows10 using NSSM

hoping you can help me! I'm writing a script to install some services in windows. One of the services is InfluxDB. I need to use NSSM. But that's the problem. If I use the nssm gui nssm.exe install and then set those parameters like following (and…
Michele Ietri
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Is there a good way to send events to a Powershell script running as a service via NSSM?

I have a very simple PowerShell script meant to handle starting and stopping a certain executable (that cannot be ran as a service itself, sadly). It is event driven, where if the event Failover.Event.Start is received, it will start, vice versa for…
1 answer

How to create service for django app with nssm on windows

nssm service to run django application. I have created nssm service to run my django app on windows machine but it doesn't work. Please suggest an alternative package or the right config to get the service running. Here is the command I used. Adding…
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Is it a good idea to run django management command as windows service?

Following this answer you can register a python script as a windows service with NSSM. But are there any obvious downsides on registering a django management command as windows service this way? nssm.exe install ProjectService nssm.exe set…
1 answer

FastAPI as a Windows service

I am trying to run FastAPI as a windows service.Couldn't find any documentation or any article to run Uvicorn as a Window's service. I tried using NSSM as well but my windows service stops.
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How to run multiple node apps, each that have been turned into exe's by PKG, and then run as a windows service by nssm, all on the same server?

We are deploying an API for our users to run on their own server as a Windows service. We are using PKG to hide the code and allow them to skip installing node, and we are using nssm (non-sucking service manager) to turn it into a service for them.…
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1 answer

Facing error when python exe service is started after nssm

I have a situation where i have to run a python.exe as a service in NSSM. To test, I have created .exe file which has only import pandas as pd in it. I created the service in NSSM successfully. But when I start the service I get error windows could…
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