Questions tagged [nssm]

NSSM - the Non-Sucking Service Manager for Windows.

120 questions
1 answer

InnoSetup and NSSM Exit code 5

I have an application installer in node-js platform, currently developing an installer with Inno Setup and NSSM (The application should run as a service). The thing is when NSSM tries to register the service (The device is a Windows 8.1 32 bits…
0 answers

Pyupdater loops when a new version arrived when using nssm

My program consists of the following steps: check for update if an update exists, download it, extract and restart the program run update checks in a new thread every 30s run the main program that prints the word YAY every 5s Here is the code of…
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Converting PS1 (calling theFileSystemWatcher class) to a Service using NSSM

I created a powershell script that transfers any created file (using WinSCP) to a remote server, then moves the file to another local folder. The script works perfectly; however, it needs to start on server startup. Creating a service is the best…
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NSSM - Trying to access Software/Google/DriveFS/Share

I'm using NSSM to run a dotnet core app as a Windows service, which works really well. However, I've noticed an error when I run nssm install MyAppName, which loads a window to set up the service. When I Select the executable to install, I notice…
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NSSM Python Service pausing due to module error

I am trying to run a simple python script using NSSM (Non Sucking Service Manager) but I am failing to do so. Error I am getting: Unexpected status SERVICE_PAUSED in response to START control I checked the error log file and it says the following…
0 answers

AppRotateFile nssm

I would like to keep only the last backup rotated file with nssm WriteRegDWORD HKLM $REG_DWORD "AppRotateFiles" 1 WriteRegDWORD HKLM $REG_DWORD "AppRotateOnline" 1 #WriteRegDWORD HKLM $REG_DWORD "AppRotateBytes" 314572800 WriteRegDWORD HKLM…
khouloud mejdoub
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1 answer

NSSM - Install windows service to run daphne server for django channels

I run the commands on a windows machine as shown below to start my server, D:\django_channels> django_channels_env\Scripts\activate (django_channels_env) D:\django_channels\djanog_project> daphne -e…
shaik moeed
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Pywin32 service fails to start, unable to read json file

I used the Pywin32 tools and NSSM to create a windows service for my Flask application. I noticed that the service wouldn't start giving me a message : The service did not return an error. This could be an internal Windows error or an internal…
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2 answers

NSSM can't start windows service

I'm trying to run my wpf service with nssm service manager. The problem is that using nssm I can install service, but then when I try to start it I get the following response in terminal: MyService: Unexpected status SERVICE_PAUSED in response to…
Nikas Žalias
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0 answers

When I'm running jar as a service with the help of nssm the JOptionPane.showOptionDialog() is not showing up

My program has the piece of code which pop-up the window dialogue box notifying the user about the ongoing process for this I'm using JOptionPane.showOptionDialog() But when I'm starting the program as a service instead of running a jar file, I'm…
0 answers

Created a Windows service from a Jar file using NSSM, it runs as a process but doesn't run the program

I created a Windows Service from a .jar from NSSM using a batch file. I exported my code from eclipse as a jar file. With Library handling: Extract required libraries into generated jar. The program uses java's WatchService to check if a file is…
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nssm + Selenium Server 3 + Windows 10: Behat tests are not launching Chrome

I successfully installed nssm with the command: PS C:\Users\MyUser> nssm install selenium-server java -jar "C:\selenium\selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar Then I try to proceed to run my Behat tests, the tests appear to be running when I see…
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0 answers

Chrome WebDriver cannot be initialised when selenium-server-standalone runs as a Windows service

WebDriver cannot be initialised when selenium-server-standalone is run as Windows service. I'm connecting with Windows machine from Jenkins on centOS using SSH. On Windows I installed selenium-server-standalone as service using nssm, so I run…
0 answers

Nodejs Canvas module loads at command line but will not load in nssm service

When running a node app using the nssm service manager, the canvas module will not load, but when running the app from the command line it does. The service is running in win7/32 bits, node version is 10.16 and canvas version 2.5. Error: The…
1 answer

"No such file or directory" in xlsxwriter on python as service

I'm using Python with pandas and xlsxwriter for a automation project in my work, but i need run it as service, for this i using pyinstaller for build an executable file and nssm.exe for install the service. When i use pyinstaller and execute the…