Questions tagged [notserializableexception]

Exception thrown when an instance is required to have a Serializable interface.

In Java, NotSerializableException class which extends ObjectStreamException class is responsible for notserializableexception. Thrown when an instance is required to have a Serializable interface. The serialization runtime or the class of the instance can throw this exception. The argument should be the name of the class.

111 questions
1 answer

JBoss AS7 Hornetq - RemoteConenctionFactory lookup fails with RoundRobinConnectionLoadBalancingPolicy NotSerializableException

I'm using JBoss AS 7 Hornetq. Our standalone java application interacts with a queue and sends messages. We had the entire environment setup and it was working pretty smoothly. Suddenly, one fine day, our standalone application failed with the below…
Pavan Kulkarni
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1 answer com.wings.marketingevent.util.FlowWizard

I think it's simple but I got stuck with this. The idea is would like to use the liferay wizard as in: I have this on the xhtml:
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Hadoop -

I'm having a tough time figuring out the issue with Serialization in hadoop. Here's my class - public class CrawlerTweet implements Serializable, Writable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String keywords; …
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NotSerializableException during serialization of JFrame. Make `JFileChooser` transient to serialization

I wanted to serialize my JFrame but unfortunately I get NotSerializableException. I thought that the JFileChoosers are the reason so I added transient modifier to them: transient JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser("."); And they are because removing…
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NotSerializableException when using DefaultComboBoxModel in another class

I'm working on a big school project and it's coming to an end. I want 2 JComboBoxes to be synchronized at the different classes(JPanels) in my program, and after not knowing much about how JComponents works I found out that it's not the JComboBox…
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3 answers

Java writing/reading unserializable objects to/from file

I am using JSI (Java Spatial Index, RTree) to implement 2D spatial search. I want to save the tree to file, which triggered using code below. public class GeographicIndexer { private static final Logger log =…
Nathaniel Ding
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Overriding methods in class implementing Serializable

I am trying to create a distributed processing system on Android through Bluetooth, so I created a class that implements Serializable, made a method to serialize and deserialize that object so that I can send it as a ByteArray. The problem is that I…
4 answers

Java notSerializableExceptionError

When trying to save an arraylist of my class Click, I get this error:$LayeredHighlightInfo on this line of code: os.writeObject(saveList);. Even though I made my Click class…
1 answer

ObjectInputStream throwing NotSerializableException

I'm trying to read an array (called PWlist) of objects from a .dat file using ObjectInputStream. The array contains two different objects, LongPW and PinPW. When I try to perform the read, I am getting this…
1 answer

java.lang.RuntimeException: Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object (name =

I am passing a list of model from one fragment A to another fragment B, when when i press recent app button on fragment B it crashed. data class CategoryModel( @SerializedName("id") val id : Int, @SerializedName("name") val categoryName :…
Rakesh kushwaha
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MyClass NotSerializableException

I created a class named Components. It has some components like Button, TextArea, VerticalLayout, etc. I didn't make this class serializable because I don't need to, but when I start the server (I use Tomcat), I get this…
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HTTP request from Jenkins pipeline with proxy auth and client certificate

I need to make an HTTP call from my Jenkins pipeline to an external HTTPS resource that requires client certificate. Additionally, Jenkins is behind a corporate proxy that requires authentication. After quite a bit of struggle I managed to get a…
2 answers

NotSerializableException occuring where it shouldn't

I've been working with Java for a few months now and I'm still fairly new to it, so any help is appreciated. I've been working on a game for a while now (based off another game) and wanted to make a level editor. I'm having trouble saving the…
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What makes this class non-Serializable?

Im serializing Student class that contains an instance of Statistics class, both classes implement Serializable but the stack trace says this one is not serializable. if you have any more questions let me know. filename.txt: Stud Qu1 Qu2 Qu3 Qu4…
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java.rmi.UnmarshalException in RMI call

Please note.. the question has been cleaned up after waisting lot of EJP's time. (Sincere apologies and deeply appreciate the help extended.) We have a client-server application. The communication is RMI. We got the following exception in the…
Nayan Sonthalia
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