Questions tagged [notin]

The NOT IN operator acts opposite to "IN" Operator. It can be used to specify multiple values that should NOT be present in a WHERE clause. Note that NOT IN never is true!

NOT Logical Operator

If you want to find rows that do not satisfy a condition, you can use the logical operator, NOT. NOT results in the reverse of a condition. That is, if a condition is satisfied, then the row is not returned.

NOT IN can be represented as conjunction of NOT equal comparison operators.

A NOT IN (B, C) <=> (NOT A=B) AND (NOT A=C) If one of A or B is NULL then NOT IN operator is not True (Undefined)


IN Comparison Operator

The IN operator is used when you want to compare a column with more than one value. It is similar to an OR condition.


277 questions
1 answer

MySql Delete NOT IN - but compare entire rows

This should be relatively simple. I dug around the MySql docs and couldn't find relevant infos. The scenario is simple. I have a table with 3 columns. All are composite unique keys, in that, all keys together must be unique to be a valid row. How…
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4 answers

SQL NOT IN still includes rows that should be excluded

I have the following statement to find rows that include certain values but exclude others: SELECT * FROM tests WHERE author = 4 OR id = -999 OR id = 276 OR id = 343 OR id = 197 OR id = 170 OR id = 1058 OR id = 1328 OR id = 1417 AND…
Omair Vaiyani
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2 answers

MySQL - NOT IN query in WHERE clause with same structure working on first table but not on second table

I want to adapt a simple MySQL query from one table to another table. The first query is working as intended but the second modified query is not displaying the expected result, but I can not figure out any difference in the structure. This question…
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2 answers

MYSQL NOT IN subselect Query

I'am trying to get the inverse of a selection from an sql query. Here is my scenario, I select the payments related to a family with a query, and those who have made a donation in the last 6 months are considered active. I am interested in the ones…
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3 answers

MySQL NOT IN with subquery not working as expected

I'm creating a application that will generate lists for email marketing campaigns. I have tables for contacts, emails, and campaigns. A campaign has many emails and a contact has many emails. The email is related to a contact and a campaign.…
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2 answers

linqpad - big NOT IN clause is going over the limit - any other way?- Linq to SQL

So i am taking the linqpad challenge: and i've got a report to create of all prospects from one table not in another table, my linq is: //get customers from one table var salesNotCancelled =…
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1 answer

I hit a weird issue running a query against a PostgreSQL Database using NOT IN and don't understand why it didn't work

I have a hierarchical table with an id and parent_id column, the parent_id has a foreign key to the id column. Each row can only have one parent, but multiple rows can be tied to the same parent. I wanted to retrieve all the rows that didn't have…
Will Harrison
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3 answers

Why I can't directly use the column from another table behind not in function?

I have two tables. One is customers and another one is orders. This is the raw data to create the two tables: Create table If Not Exists Customers (Id int, Name varchar(255)); Create table If Not Exists Orders (Id int, CustomerId int); insert into…
Chris Ma
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3 answers

How to use NOT IN operator in SQL

Write a query to display the movie number, movie title, and movie year for all movies that do not have a video. You will need to use a nested query approach. Use the results of the query that returns all the movie numbers from the table VIDEO. This…
1 answer

SQL: NOT IN doesn't return expected rows

I have table A A +--------+------+ | values | data | +--------+------+ | 11 | 4 | +--------+------+ | 22 | 5 | +--------+------+ | 33 | qwe | +--------+------+ | 44 | 7 | +--------+------+ | 55 | zui …
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1 answer

Redshift unexpectedly returns a null value for items not found in a sub-query

I have this query that's returning no results: SELECT review_id FROM review_table WHERE review_id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT review_id FROM review_migration_table ) ORDER BY review_id However, I expected it to return all review_ids that…
Scott Borden
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0 answers

How to perform a "NOT IN" from an array in another array in aggregate (MongoDB)

I am trying to perform a "NOT IN" from an array to another array, but I can't find a simple answer for my case. At some step of my aggregate I get this set of results: { _id: ObjectId("5c2e433599c7f42096546118"), stuffToExclude: [ …
1 answer

Insert into SQL table only for records with no entry

I have two tables: cSc_user: here is every user stored. PK is camosGUID cSc_UserRole: when a user has a role, a row for this user is stored here For every role the user has, there is one entry in cSc_userRole. FK for camosGUID in this table is…
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1 answer

MySQL (NOT IN) Condition does not return correctly after exceeding certain number of elements

Select * From Table_Name Where MyColumnID NOT IN (1,2,3,4,5); The above sql statement works perfectly fine, but when I try increasing the elements specifically pass 1000 (for my case) for e.g. Select * From Table_Name Where MyColumnID NOT IN…
Ryan Tan
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4 answers

How to do a left join on a run-time generated tables?

I have two tables in the database (myCustomTable1 and myCustomTable2) and from them I'm creating another two tables (Table1 and Table2) which are created during the run time. Now I need to take the rows which are inside of Table1, but are not in the…
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