Select * From Table_Name Where MyColumnID NOT IN (1,2,3,4,5);

The above sql statement works perfectly fine, but when I try increasing the elements specifically pass 1000 (for my case) for e.g.

Select * From Table_Name Where MyColumnID NOT IN (1,2,3,4,5,...1000 and more);

It only returns a few rows or sometimes non at all. Any number of elements that is less than 1000 returns correctly for the NOT IN condition

Then, i tried using the IN condition as follows:

Select * From Table_Name Where MyColumnID IN (1,2,3,4,5,...9000 and more);

It works perfectly fine and as expected. if it works for the IN conditions, why would it not work for the NOT IN conditions?

I am really at a loss, could it be there is some variable I have missed somewhere?

Things that I have set or checked:

1) Max_allowed_packet = 1000000000;

2) ID contains no Null Values

3) Name of ID = 'StockID'

Ryan Tan
  • 320
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  • Why are you adding the condition values hardcoded? They are too many to be hardcoded. – Lamar Aug 13 '18 at 06:39
  • my apologies, i was typing it real quick and i have missed out some important parts in the query, i have amended the question. @AnkitJaiswal – Ryan Tan Aug 13 '18 at 06:47
  • @Lamar, of course it would be a pretty big hassle to manually type all 8000 elements in. i am using Vb.net to loop all the elements in a and output it in a list. – Ryan Tan Aug 13 '18 at 06:49
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    My point is to that your approach might be the wrong way. Try and keep those values in a table or something, or try to reduce those values to fewer ranges or categories. – Lamar Aug 13 '18 at 07:11
  • @lamar, yes having such a range seems pretty ridiculous. but it just puzzles me, why would there be a limit for NOT IN condition and not for IN condition. Specifically for my case the limit was 1000 elements and not more. – Ryan Tan Aug 13 '18 at 07:22
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    @RyanTan I don't think there is a limit for NOT IN apart from max_allowed_packet. – Ankit Jaiswal Aug 13 '18 at 08:39
  • If max allowed packet limit were breached, then you would get an error message, not partial result. I would take a look at how you generate that sql query and how the final query looks like when it does not return all results you expect. – Shadow Aug 13 '18 at 08:59
  • Thanks for taking a look into this. if it would help, is there any way i could send the query of the: 1) Create Table Query 2) insert statement for all the data 3) query for the 1001 (problem) 4 ) query for the 1000th row(working) – Ryan Tan Aug 13 '18 at 09:10
  • What MySQL version are you using? – Paul Campbell Aug 13 '18 at 10:02
  • Server Information: MySQL 5.0.22-community-nt via TCP/IP Client Information: MYSQL Client Version 5.1.11 – Ryan Tan Aug 13 '18 at 10:11
  • Create a test scenario on sqlfiddle.com. Btw, your mysql is really old. – Shadow Aug 13 '18 at 10:35

1 Answers1


Looks like you may have tripped over a very old bug and you are going to have to upgrade your version of MySQL.



If you read to the bottom of the report and you'll see that this bug was fixed in 5.0.25

[15 Aug 2006 17:08] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


ChangeSet@1.2257, 2006-08-15 21:08:22+04:00, sergefp@mysql.com +3 -0
  BUG#21282: Incorrect query results for "t.key NOT IN (<big const list>) 
  In fix for BUG#15872, a condition of type "t.key NOT IN (c1, .... cN)"
  where N>1000, was incorrectly converted to
    (-inf < X < c_min) OR (c_max < X)
  Now this conversion is removed, we dont produce any range lists for such

[29 Aug 2006 13:23] Evgeny Potemkin
Fixed in 5.0.25

[4 Sep 2006 11:41] Evgeny Potemkin
Fixed in 5.1.12
Paul Campbell
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  • This was exactly it! I should have been more thorough.. Thanks for the guidance Paul. – Ryan Tan Aug 14 '18 at 02:41
  • When the problem just doesn't seem to make any sort of sense and especially with a very old version of the product it's always worth having a scan of the bugs database. Will you be upgrading your way out of this problem or adopting approach suggested by @lamar which seems very sensible to me? – Paul Campbell Aug 14 '18 at 07:56
  • Your suggestion is greatly appreciated! Yes, i will be upgrading to a later version and i have no intention on implementing such methods as in my question into a system (which proves to be inefficient). It was just an itch of just wanting to know why am i not getting the expected results. Thanks once again. – Ryan Tan Aug 14 '18 at 08:39