Questions tagged [notifications]

A notification is a user interface element displayed to indicate an event has occurred.

A notification is a user interface element displayed to indicate an event has occurred.

Notifications typically occur in a designated area of an application's UI, such as an icon appearing in a status bar or an alert message.

15068 questions
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How to start the NotificationListenerService on Android

I would like to access notifications on a Android phone by using the NotificationListenerService. I checked lots of tutorials but I can't find where they call the service. Should I use bindService or startService on MainActivity? How should the…
1 answer

How to stack push notifications in Android?

I am dealing with push notifications. When I get multiple notifications, they all show up in the status bar. I need a solution where only one icon is displayed in the status bar and the notifications are stacked one above the other.
0 answers

notification when iphone goes into silent mode

I am trying to reproduce instagram behaviour here, meaning : If phone is silent and user changes volume, quit silent mode. (I manage to do that by switching the audioSession category from ambient to playback) If the user switch silent mode off and…
thibaut noah
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Local Notification on watchOS 3 not showed

I’ve a problem with the UNNotification on watchOS 3 ! In watchOS 2 and iOS 9 to schedule a local notification I use WatchConnectivity From watch I send a message to iPhone and the iPhone schedule the local notification When the notification arrive…
1 answer

My FCM notification does not expand when the app is in background

I am implementing FCM to push notifications, but I am trying to expand the notification when the content of the notification is big. It cannot be implemented when the app is in background here is my code PendingIntent pendingIntent =…
3 answers

Laravel 5.3 check if notification is read

I am using database notifications in Laravel 5.3. Is there a function or property to check if the notification is read or not when looping through the user's notifications. Thanks in advance
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Capturing stacked Notifications using Notification Listener

This question has been asked before but I could not find a working solution to it. I'm trying to read notifications using NotificationListener Service. Here is the code import; import android.content.Context; import…
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iOS 10 Local Notifications not showing

I've been working on setting up local notifications for my app in iOS 10, but when testing in the simulator I found that the notifications would be successfully scheduled, but would never actually appear when the time they were scheduled for came.…
Simply Epic
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2 answers

iOS 10: How to show incoming VOIP call notification when app is in background?

I'm working on audio/video call and trying to get incoming call notification loop for 1 minute like WhatsApp shows in iOS when app is background, Notification banner hide and show with ringtone for 1 minute. I have tried this code, it triggers only…
Abhishek Thapliyal
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3 answers

Laravel notification email facade queue multiple users

Here is my code working to send notification email to multiple users $users = User::whereIn('id', $userIds)->get(); \Notification::send($users, new DealPublished($deal)); It works but if I want to delay it like that $users = User::whereIn('id',…
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6 answers

Android Heads-up notification disappears after a few seconds

I would that the notification does not disappear after a few seconds. So i have create the notification like this: NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context); …
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3 answers

Laravel change Connection for Notifications table

I am implementing Laravel 5.3 Notifications at the moment which is working very nice. At the moment I am using 'email' as a notifications channel but I want to add 'database' too. I am using different databases/connections for languages and want to…
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iOS 10.2 UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate / UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger Bug?

I'm experiencing a weird bug with iOS 10.2 with UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger and UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate. Basically the notification I create is getting picked up by the delegate instantly and then again at the correct internal. This…
Michael Rose
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Swift - Local Notification doesn't get triggered

I am coding in Swift 3 and I am simply trying to send a notification now without any delays or intervals. However the notification never gets triggered. Here's my code.. The ViewController code import UserNotifications class HomeViewController:…
Dinuka Jay
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1 answer

Launch a Toastnotification in a WPF app

I created a WpfApplication in C# (with Visual Studio Community 2015) and i'd like to send some windows 10 notifications. I think that I'm supposed to use "ToastContent" then add it into a "ToastNotification",... I've add…
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