Questions tagged [non-exhaustive-patterns]

73 questions
1 answer

Non-exhaustive patterns in function trace'

trace :: String -> Float -> Colour -> [ColouredLine] trace (c:cs) angle colour = trace' (c:cs) angle colour (0.0,0.0) where trace' "" angle colour intvertex = [] trace' (c:cs) angle colour intvertex | c == 'R' = trace' cs…
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Non-exhaustive on Haskell recursion

sumAllDigits :: [ Int ] -> Int sumAllDigits (x:xs) |(x:xs) == [] = 0 |x >= 10 = sumDigits x + sumAllDigits xs |x< 10 = x + sumAllDigits xs REPORT: *Recursion> sumAllDigits [22,33] *** Exception:…
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Non-exhaustive pattern in function declaration

I'm having difficulties implementing the following function: type Tabuleiro = [String] type Comandos = String type Comando = String type Coordenadas = String novaCoord :: Tabuleiro -> Comandos -> Coordenadas -> Coordenadas novaCoord l (cmd:xs)…
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Non-exhaustive patterns in function error

In haskel, I got an error and somehow I couldn't find the right solution. There is the error i get and my code: My code: data MyTree = Leaf Float | Tree String MyTree MyTree deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) asgCodeRec1 [] _ = [] asgCodeRec1 (a:b:c) (y:ys)…
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Exception : Pattern Matching failure Haskell

I am trying to implement Standard words function of Haskell. I am using State Monad to solve the problem. My Code is : type WorS = ([String],String,String) words' :: State WorS [String] words' = do (lwords, words, x:xs) <- get …
2 answers

Haskell: Non-exhaustive patterns in function (simple functions)

I am confused as to why the 1st and 3rd versions of this functions give this error whereas the second definition works fine. -- head and tail third :: [a] -> a third [a] = head (tail (tail[a])) -- Pattern matching third2 :: [a] -> a third2…
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Why is Haskell lookup function causing Non-Exhaustive pattern error on custom data type?

Anyone know why this is causing the error Non-exhaustive patterns in function getCityPopulation? type Name = String type Coordinates = (Int, Int) type Pop = Int type TotalPop = [Pop] type City = (Name, (Coordinates, TotalPop)) testData ::…
1 answer

Non-exhaustive patterns in function. Creating rose tree Haskell

I'm trying to write a function that combines a list of rose trees with the their parent node being the highest values of the root nodes of the given rose trees. For example; RosesToRose [Rose 1 [Rose 1 [], Rose 2 []], Rose 3 [], Rose 4 [Rose 10…
1 answer

How is it possible to get `Non-exhaustive patterns` exception when using `otherwise`

I'm trying to prove that the numbers of the form p_1 * ... * p_k + 1 are not all prime, and to do this, I have written this code sieve :: [Integer] -> [Integer] sieve (0:xs) = sieve xs sieve (x:xs) = x : sieve (mark x xs) where mark :: Integer ->…
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3 answers

Fatal error: exception Match_failure("", 8, 15)

Here is my code: type 'a tree = Empty | N of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree let absolute x = if x > 0 then x else -x let rec node = function | N(_, Empty, Empty) -> 1 | N(_, g, d) -> 1 + node g + node d let rec balanced = function …
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Non-exhaustive patterns

Given I have the following code: data Note = C | Db | D | Eb | E | F | Gb | G | Ab | A | Bb | B deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum) next :: Note -> Note next B = C next n = succ n previous :: Note -> Note previous C = B previous n = pred…
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Non-exhaustive patterns in function Exception in haskell

I have this code: import Data.Char foo :: String -> String foo (x:xs) = if (digitToInt(x)) == 0 then foo xs else if (digitToInt(x)) /= 0 then replicate (digitToInt(x)) (head $…
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Keep getting matching error in haskell when testing function

this is the function toRevDigits :: Integer -> [Integer] toRevDigits 0 = [] toRevDigits x | x<0 = [] | otherwise = lastDigit x:(toRevDigits (dropLastDigit x)) this is the test testRevDigits :: (Integer, [Integer]) -> Bool testRevDigits…
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