Questions tagged [non-exhaustive-patterns]

73 questions
1 answer

Haskell - Non-exhaustive patterns in case

I have got the following code: F (S core ps) = FAll core [] ps where FAll core acc ((name, (pc : pcs)) : ps) = case F' (pc : pcs) (readC pc core) core of Nothing -> if (length pcs) /= 0 then FAll…
1 answer

Haskell Exception Non-exhaustive patterns on String

My Function is import System.IO import Debug.Trace main :: IO () main = do datei <- openFile "palindrom.txt" ReadMode palin <- hGetContents datei putStrLn $ unlines [ check x | x <- lines palin] check :: String…
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How do I get rid of the non-exhaustive patterns error in Haskell?

I'm very new to Haskell so I'm afraid I haven't fully understood how it works yet. Following method is supposed to determine whether a matrix is an actual matrix or not. isMatrix :: [[Int]] -> Bool isMatrix [[x]] = True isMatrix [x] = True So…
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Pattern matching failing for valid pattern

I have the following code: import Debug.Trace (trace) mtrace :: Show a => String -> a -> a mtrace msg value = trace (msg ++ show value) value isVowel :: Char -> Bool isVowel = (`elem` "AEIOU") vowelSlice :: String -> ([Maybe Char],…
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Find a key by having its value using Data.Map in Haskell

I just started using Haskell some weeks ago and I lack of imagination to resolve a function in this situation. So I am trying to find the predecessors of a vertex in a graph implemented in Haskell. My graph : -- | A directed graph data Graph v =…
2 answers

How to fix "Non-exhaustive patterns in function"

I want pass a list as parameter to a function which multiply every element of this list by 3. I has to use recursion (I know how to do it) and map function (there is a problem). I'm trying passing a list as a parameter as I've seen in other posts…
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How to implement a function to change array cells avoiding non-exhaustive pattern errors in haskell?

My goal is to write a function called walk, which switches the value of a labyrinth cell with its neighbour. For example calling walk 0 labyrinthA should move the T one cell to the left.Here i tried to change a value of a labyrinth cell in…
1 answer

Getting non-exhaustive pattern exception on method

I keep getting non-exhaustive pattern exception for the following method: groups::[Int]->[[Int]] groups ls=go ls [] [] where go [] small big=small:big go (x:xs) (y:ys) big | x==y = go xs (x:y:ys) big |…
Bercovici Adrian
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Haskell take first and seventh

I need to write a function in Haskell that given a list of at least 7 elements returns a tuple containing the first and seventh element. e.g. Prelude> take1and7 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] (1, 7) I've tried this take1and7 :: [a] -> (a,…
0 answers

Non-exhaustive patterns error when defining foldr variant

I was asked to make a function that works like foldr but with non empty lists, that works like this: foldr1 f [x1,x2...xn] = f x1 (f x2...(f xn-1 xn)...). So I defined it like this: foldr1 f [x] = x foldr1 f (x:xs) = f x (foldr1 f xs) foldr1 f _ =…
2 answers

ML : match non-exhaustive

I want to make function named headcol that works like: headcol[[1,2],[3,4]] = [1,3]; So i made function like this: fun headcol [] = [] | headcol [x::xs',y::ys'] = [x,y] but when I call it, I get a match nonexhaustive.
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Non-exhaustive pattern in function in Haskell

I have a class Evol and want an instance of distanceMatrix to be applied on a list of my type MolSeq. The function molseqDistMat works as desired, but I cant understand the error I get when trying to run distanceMatrix [Molseq]. I understand what…
1 answer

haskell: negation normal form's function get "Non-exhaustive pattern" exception

-- | data type definition of WFF: well formed formula data Wff = Var String | Not Wff | And Wff Wff | Or Wff Wff | Imply Wff Wff -- | Negation norm form nnf function -- precondition: φ is implication free -- …
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3 answers

Implementation of a program in which characters of a string repeated certain times in haskell

This is a question from my homework thus tips would be much likely appreciated. I am learning Haskell this semester and my first assignment requires me to write a function that inputs 2 string (string1 and string2) and returns a string that is…
2 answers

Haskell - "Non-exhaustive patterns" error with a function using list

I'm trying to make a function in haskell to know if all the elements in a list of list have the same length. (I've search answers in previous posts but none of them works). sameLength :: [[t]] -> String sameLength [] = "Empty list" sameLength…
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