Questions tagged [nineoldandroids]

Android library for using the Honeycomb (Android 3.0) animation API on all versions of the platform back to 1.0

Animation prior to Honeycomb was very limited in what it could accomplish so in Android 3.x a new API was written. With only a change in imports, we are able to use a large subset of the new-style animation with exactly the same API.

This library also includes support for animating rotation, translation, alpha, and scale on platforms prior to Honeycomb

60 questions
4 answers

Displaying card flip animation on old android

We all know this article of how to create "card filp" animations using new api. But how can I make this on apis < 3.0? Update: As long as there are good and easy-to-use libraries like android-FlipView I don't think you really need to do such…
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A/Looper: Could not create wake pipe. errno=24

We're building an app that does a lot of animations and downloads a lot of images. After a certain amount of transactions (a predictable number), the app is crashing with the error: A/Looper: Could not create wake pipe. errno=24 We don't use Looper…
Karim Varela
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java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.nineoldandroids.view.ViewHelper

I am using daimajia/AndroidImageSlider. I imported all dependencies like NineOldAndroid,Picasso and this 'com.daimajia.slider:library:1.1.2@aar' and coded as guided on Github. but whenever i tried to run the app it stops and show the…
Devendra Singh
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What is an alternative for using com.nineoldandroids library

I want to replace the dependency of com.nineoldandroids library from my project and replace it with an android native library. I am trying to make a project based on this . However, I don't need…
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ZipException: duplicate entry : com.nineoldandroids

I added ResideMenu in my project using its gradle dependency. but i am getting this issue : Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'.…
Pro Mode
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NineOldAndroids ObjectAnimators don't work with ProGuard and signed apk

I am using NineOldAndroids' ObjectAnimators to fade in Android Map v2 markers with the following code: mMarkerSelected = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions() .position(location.getLatLng()) .title(location.getName()) …
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Sliding animation having multiple views synchronization issue

I am trying to make an animation with two textviews. Both are in a relative layout. The functionality of the animation is left textview will go little bit left and at the same time right textview will also go little bit left. I have…
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How to clear Animation Listeners set by NineOldAndroids?

I am trying to have a view animated in my app and am using NineOldAndroid for animations. The desired effect is to fade the view out and then set it's visibility to gone so that it doesn't get clicked while invisible. Here is How I do…
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Android Studio Build fail - Execution failed for task ':app:dexDebug'

I am a new Android Developer and build files always scare me. :D I am using some third part libraries in the project dependencies { compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs') compile '' …
0 answers

Use NineOldAndroids for flip animation on support fragments

I am using support fragments in my app. While replacing the fragments, I want a flip animation. For that, I came across NineOldAndroid library but somehow, even after searching web, I am not able to use the animations on fragment…
3 answers

NoClassDeffoundError nineoldAndroid

I want to use nineOldAndroid to my project. I have downloaded the project and import the library and works fine. Now I have add the library to my project but I have this error. 06-17 18:26:33.930: E/AndroidRuntime(1290): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 06-17…
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Animations get into infinite loop if they are started in the onAnimationEnd of AnimationListener

Simple task: by pressing button, it scales X value to 0, and when animation finished starts another animation on the second view which scales X from 0 to 1. After 1 second reverse animation should be played and that's all. Running code below I've…
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Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.nineoldandroids.animation.ObjectAnimator

I am trying to show the date picker using Android-datepicker-Library( library project in which Android-numberpicker-Library project is used which uses nineoldandroids-2.3.0.jar file. so the question is i am able to run the app on…
Sanket Patel
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Android Studio Conflicting Classes when using Library

I have just started using Android Studio, So forgive me if i am unable to explain the situation properly. But i will try to update details as required. In my gradle project i use JakeWarton DiskCache with nineoldandroids Both as jar files added to…
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1 answer

Android - What replaces the NineOldAndroids animation library?

The NineOldAndroids animation library by Jake Wharton has been deprecated since July 2014. I'd like to replace it in my app since we're targeting API 16+ now. I've looked all over but can't find a guide to migrating from NineOldAndroids to the…
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