Questions tagged [nginx-cache]

8 questions
24 answers

How to clear the cache of nginx?

I use nginx to as the front server, I have modified the CSS files, but nginx is still serving the old ones. I have tried to restart nginx, to no success and I have Googled, but not found a valid way to clear it. Some articles say we can just delete…
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1 answer

POST response caching does not work in nginx

My task is to implement microcaching strategy using nginx, that is, cache responses of some POST endpoints for a few seconds. In http section of the nginx.conf I have the following: proxy_cache_path /tmp/cache keys_zone=cache:10m levels=1:2…
Roman Puchkovskiy
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1 answer

Nginx cache inactive parameter not working

I want to serve static files stored on a different server. For that I use Nginx cache with the following configuration. Nginx cache conf: proxy_cache_path /var/cache/cdn levels=1:2 keys_zone=cdn:64m max_size=20g inactive=10m…
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1 answer

Prestashop Nginx FastCgi Caching

I'm trying to enable Nginx FastCgi cache in Prestashop 1.7 but i cannot find any way detecting logged in users or users with active carts in order to bypass cache. Prestashop seems to not implement a correct cache control mechanism for hearers (…
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0 answers

minify nginx(openresty) cached files

I need to minify cached files in nginx(openresty) for some reason and need to write some scripts that minify nginx cached files after files have been cached on the server ... I write a script for that and this script was doing well, but after…
0 answers

nginx: Hot to cache files with ending "?ver=2.6.5” in browser

How can a I add files ending with for example: .js?ver=5.3.2 or .?ver=2.6.5 to my the chache policy. I am using the following, which works fine with standard files, but does not cache files ending with other endings: location ~*…
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0 answers

NGINX Content Caching for Static Content

I am trying to have nginx cache static content. I'm mostly concerned with CSS and JS files, although this should work for any static content. I am NOT using nginx as a proxy, so basically what I am wanting is when someone hits my server: …
0 answers

Nginx Caching for specific location with regular expression

I want to cache the content from specific location only. But when i am trying to use regular expression, it is not caching. proxy_cache_path /AINginxService/nginx-1.16.1/cache/ levels=1:2 keys_zone=one:10m max_size=8g inactive=5d…